
Back to Bounding sphere



#include "pastel/geometry/bounding/bounding_sphere.h"
#include "pastel/geometry/shape/sphere.h"

#include "pastel/sys/tuple/tuple_tools.h"
#include "pastel/sys/vector.h"
#include "pastel/sys/vector/vector_tools.h"
#include "pastel/sys/math_functions.h"

#include "pastel/geometry/bounding/bounding_alignedbox.h"
#include "pastel/geometry/overlap/overlaps_sphere_point.h"

namespace Pastel

    template <typename Real, integer N>
    Sphere<Real, N> boundingSphere(
        const PASTEL_SIMPLEX(Real, N, 0)& simplex)
        return circumscribedSphere(simplex);

    template <typename Real, integer N>
    Sphere<Real, N> boundingSphere(
        const PASTEL_SIMPLEX(Real, N, 1)& simplex)
        return circumscribedSphere(simplex);

    namespace BoundingSphere

        template <integer SubsetSize, integer Elements>
        void firstSubset(Tuple<integer, SubsetSize>& subset)
            PASTEL_STATIC_ASSERT(SubsetSize > 0);
            PASTEL_STATIC_ASSERT(Elements > 0);
            PASTEL_STATIC_ASSERT(SubsetSize <= Elements);

            for (integer i = 0;i < SubsetSize;++i)
                subset[i] = (SubsetSize - 1) - i;

        template <integer SubsetSize, integer Elements>
        bool nextSubset(Tuple<integer, SubsetSize>& subset)
            PASTEL_STATIC_ASSERT(SubsetSize > 0);
            PASTEL_STATIC_ASSERT(Elements > 0);
            PASTEL_STATIC_ASSERT(SubsetSize <= Elements);

            if (subset[0] + 1 < Elements)
                integer j = 1;
                while(j < SubsetSize)
                    if (subset[j] + 1 < subset[j - 1])


                if (j == SubsetSize)
                    // This is the last subset.
                    return false;

                integer value = subset[j] + 1;
                while(j >= 0)
                    subset[j] = value;

            return true;

        template <integer K>
        struct DimensionTag {};

        template <typename Real, integer N, integer M>
        Sphere<Real, N> boundingSphere(
            const PASTEL_SIMPLEX(Real, N, M)& simplex,
            return circumscribedSphere(simplex);

        template <typename Real, integer N, integer M, integer K>
        Sphere<Real, N> boundingSphere(
            const PASTEL_SIMPLEX(Real, N, M)& simplex,
            // Find all the K-subsimplices.

            PASTEL_SIMPLEX(Real, N, K) subSimplex;

            Tuple<integer, K + 1> indexSubset;
            Tuple<integer, K + 1> largestSubset;

            Sphere<Real, N> largestBound;

            firstSubset<K + 1, M + 1>(indexSubset);
                // Copy the subsimplex.
                for (integer i = 0;i < K + 1;++i)
                    subSimplex[i] = simplex[indexSubset[i]];

                Sphere<Real, N> bound(circumscribedSphere(subSimplex));
                if (bound.radius() > largestBound.radius())
                    largestBound = bound;
                    largestSubset = indexSubset;
            while (nextSubset<K + 1, M + 1>(indexSubset));

            bool boundFound = true;

            integer subsetIndex = K;

            for (integer i = 0;i < M + 1;++i)
                // Those points that were part of the construction
                // of the sphere should not be tested
                // because a simple roundoff error could mess things up.

                if (subsetIndex >= 0 && largestSubset[subsetIndex] == i)
                    if (!overlaps(largestBound, simplex[i]))
                        boundFound = false;

            if (boundFound)
                return largestBound;

            return boundingSphere(simplex, DimensionTag<K + 1>());


    template <typename Real, integer N, integer M>
    Sphere<Real, N> boundingSphere(
        const PASTEL_SIMPLEX(Real, N, M)& simplex)
        // Let m(K) be the boundary K-simplex of
        // the M-simplex S that has the largest
        // minimum volume bounding sphere (if there are
        // many such, choose arbitrarily).
        // Let B(m(K)) be that bounding sphere.
        // In ascending K order, K < M, if some B(m(K)) contains
        // the (points of) simplex S, then B(m(K))
        // is the minimum volume bounding sphere for S.
        // Otherwise, the minimum volume bounding sphere is
        // given by the circumscribed sphere of S.
        // Thus the algorithm is the following:
        // for (integer K = 1;K < N + 1;++K)
        // {
        //     Find the largest circumscribed sphere of a K-subsimplex
        //     If the sphere contains S, return it.
        // }
        // The loop is implemented as a compile time recursion.

        return BoundingSphere::boundingSphere(

    template <typename Real, integer N>
    Sphere<Real, N> circumscribedSphere(
        const Vector<Real, N>& aPoint)
        return Sphere<Real, N>(aPoint, 0);

    template <typename Real, integer N>
    Sphere<Real, N> circumscribedSphere(
        const Vector<Real, N>& aPoint,
        const Vector<Real, N>& bPoint)
        return Sphere<Real, N>(
            linear(aPoint, bPoint, 0.5),
            norm(evaluate(bPoint - aPoint)) * 0.5);

    template <typename Real, integer N>
    Sphere<Real, N> circumscribedSphere(
        const PASTEL_SIMPLEX(Real, N, 0)& simplex)
        return Sphere<Real, N>(simplex[0], 0);

    template <typename Real, integer N>
    Sphere<Real, N> circumscribedSphere(
        const PASTEL_SIMPLEX(Real, N, 1)& simplex)
        return Sphere<Real, N>(
            linear(simplex[0], simplex[1], 0.5),
            norm(evaluate(simplex[1] - simplex[0])) * 0.5);

    template <typename Real, integer N, integer M>
    Sphere<Real, N> circumscribedSphere(
        const PASTEL_SIMPLEX(Real, N, M)& simplex)
        // Let p be the (m+1)-tuple of vertices
        // of an m-simplex.
        // The problem is to solve c in R^n and r in R
        // given the following requirements:
        // * For all i e [0, m]: ||p[i] - c|| = r
        // * Minimize r.
        // Or equivalently:
        // { dot(p_0 - c) = r^2
        // { dot(p_i - c) = dot(p_0 - c), for i in [1, m]
        // And we wish to minimize r^2.
        // So we set up a minimization problem using Lagrange multipliers:
        // e(c, u_1, ..., u_m) = 
        // dot(p_0 - c) + sum[i = 1..m] u_i (dot(p_i - c) - dot(p_0 - c))
        // Now the unconstrained minimum of e corresponds to the constrained 
        // minimum of r. Next we shall use calculus of variations to find the 
        // minimum while avoiding component notation.
        // Taking the variations of e w.r.t. u_i when equated with zero gives n 
        // equations which recover the constraint equations. That's trivial so we 
        // leave that out.
        // The (first) variation of e w.r.t. c equated to zero gives:
        // de(c, u_1, ..., u_m; h)
        // = 2 dot(p_0 - c, h) + 
        // sum[i = 1..m] u_i (2 dot(p_i - c, h) - 2 dot(p_0 - c, h))
        // = 2 dot(p_0 - c, h) + 
        // 2 sum[i = 1..m] u_i dot(p_i - p_0, h)
        // = 0
        // which holds for any variation vector h.
        // =>
        // dot(c - p_0, h) = sum[i = 1..m] u_i dot(p_i - p_0, h)
        // So plug in the standard basis e_i to h:
        // dot(c - p_0, e_i) = sum[i = 1..m] u_i dot(p_i - p_0, e_i), i in [1, n]
        //  =>
        //  c - p_0 = sum[i = 1..m] u_i (p_i - p_0)
        // =>
        // c = p_0 + sum[i = 1..m] u_i (p_i - p_0)
        // Which tells us that the center point lies on
        // the affine hyperplane set by the points p_i.
        // This gives us the idea to represent c by
        // barycentric coordinates w.r.t. to points p_i.
        // ||p_i - c|| = r
        // <=>
        // dot(p_i - c) = r^2
        // <=>
        // dot((p_i - p_0) - (c - p_0)) = r^2
        // <=>
        // dot(d_i - (c - p_0)) = r^2
        // where d_i = p_i - p_0
        // Eliminate r^2 from all but the first equation:
        // <=>
        // { dot(d_0 - (c - p_0)) = r^2
        // { dot(d_i - (c - p_0)) - dot(d_0 - (c - p_0)) = 0
        // <=>
        // { dot(c - p_0) = r^2
        // { dot(d_i - (c - p_0)) - dot(c - p_0) = 0
        // dot(d_i - (c - p_0)) - dot(c - p_0) = 0
        // <=>
        // dot(d_i) - 2 dot(d_i, c - p_0) + dot(c - p_0) -
        // dot(c - p_0) = 0
        // <=>
        // dot(d_i) - 2 dot(d_i, c - p_0) = 0
        // <=>
        // dot(d_i, c - p_0) = (1/2) dot(d_i)
        // Give c via barycentric coordinates w.r.t. p_i:
        // <=>
        // dot(d_i, sum[j = 0..m](u_j p_i) - p_0) = (1/2) dot(d_i)
        // <=>
        // dot(d_i, sum[j = 0..m](u_j (p_j - p_0))) = (1/2) dot(d_i)
        // <=>
        // dot(d_i, sum[j = 1..m](u_j d_j)) = (1/2) dot(d_i)
        // <=>
        // sum[j = 1..m](dot(d_i, d_j) u_j) = (1/2) dot(d_i)
        // This can be given by matrices as:
        // D^T D u = b
        // with
        // D = [d_1, ..., d_m]
        // b = 0.5 * [dot(d_1, d_1), ... dot(d_m, d_m)]^T
        // D^T D is an m x m matrix, b is an m-vector.
        // D^T D is invertible iff D has full rank, that is,
        // the d_i are linearly independent.

        Matrix<Real> d(N, M);
        Vector<Real, M> b;

        for (integer i = 0;i < M;++i)
            Vector<Real, N> delta = 
                simplex[i + 1] - simplex[0];

            d[i] = delta;

            b[i] = dot(delta) * 0.5;

        Matrix<Real> ddt(M, M);

        for (integer i = 0;i < M;++i)
            for (integer j = 0;j < M;++j)
                ddt(i, j) = dot(d[i], d[j]);

        // D^T D u = b
        // <=>
        // u^T D^T D = b^T

        Vector<Real, M> u = 
            solveLinear(ddt, b);

        Vector<Real, N> translation =
            u * d;

        return Sphere<Real, N>(
            simplex[0] + translation,

