Half-edge structure

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The half-edge structure is a data structure for efficiently storing and manipulating a restricted set of finite 2-dimensional cell-complexes.


An open (closed) cell is a topological space which is homeomorphic to an open (closed) ball in , for some . A cell is either an open cell or a closed cell. Given a cell, its associated is called its dimension; then a cell is called an -cell. Let be a topological space. A cell-decomposition of is a partition of into open cells, such that if is an open -cell, with , then there exists a continuous map, called a characteristic map, from some closed -cell into , which restricts to a homeomorphism from the interior of onto , and maps the boundary of into the union of all open cells, of the cell-decomposition, of dimensions less than . The dimension of a cell-decomposition is the supremum of the dimensions of its open cells. A cell-complex is a Hausdorff space , together with a cell-decomposition of .

The half-edge structure is a finite 2-dimensional cell-complex, with the added requirement that the boundary of each open -cell in the cell-decomposition, for , be a union of lower-dimensional open cells. The 0-cells, 1-cells, and 2-cells, of the half-edge structure, are called vertices , edges, and polygons, respectively.


In addition to the cells, the half-edge structure also includes half-edges, which encode most of the information in the cell-decomposition. The half-edges are directed edges of which there are 2 for each edge, oriented oppositely. Given a half-edge H, the oppositely oriented half-edge is called the pair of H. Every half-edge has an origin vertex and a destination vertex. If a half-edge has A and B as origin and destination, respectively, then its pair has B and A as origin and destination, respectively. Every half-edge has a successor and a predecessor. These links form a loop, and thus each half-edge is associated to some loop, dividing the set of half-edges into equivalence classes. Each loop can contain a polygon. However, the loop can also be empty, representing a hole.


Generic data structure
Stable settings-aliases


The half-edge structure implementation in Pastel has the following properties:

Task / Property Complexity
Insert / remove an isolated vertex.
Insert an edge from vertex u to vertex v.
Insert / remove a polygon specified with edges.
Insert a polygon specified with vertices .
Find a half-edge connected to a given vertex / edge / polygon.
Find the pair / successor / origin / polygon of a half-edge.

Here is the number of vertices, is the number of edges, and is the number of polygons in the half-edge structure. In addition, is the number of edges incident to vertex . Combining the above, it follows that the predecessor / destination of a half-edge can also be found in time.

The half-edge structure can solve the following problems efficiently (in linear time over the number of elements in the neighborhood):

Finally, the half-edge structure allows efficient manipulation of the cell-decomposition, including joining and splitting cells.


The half-edge structure can represent


Introduction to Topological Manifolds, 2nd edition, John Lee, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Springer, 2010.


Concepts for the half-edge structure

Detaches a half-edge from its origin.

Half-edge structure

Half-edge structure edge

Half-edge structure half-edge

Half-edge structure invariants

Half-edge structure polygon

Half-edge structure streaming

Half-edge structure vertex

Inserts a vertex.

Inserts an edge.

Inserts an polygon.

Merges left and right polygons of a half-edge.

More testing for HalfMesh

Removes a polygon.

Removes a vertex.

Removes an edge.

Searches for certain half-edges.

Testing for HalfMesh

Types for the half-edge structure