
Back to KdTree class



#include "pastel/geometry/kdtree/kdtree_raytraversal.h"

#include <vector>

namespace Pastel

    namespace Detail

        template <
            typename Real, integer N,
            typename ObjectPolicy>
        class RecursiveRayTraversal
            using Tree = KdTree<Real, N, ObjectPolicy>;
            using Cursor = typename Tree::Cursor;
            using ConstObjectIterator = typename Tree::ConstObjectIterator;

            class StackElement
                    : node_()
                    , tMin_(0)
                    , tMax_(0)

                    const Cursor& node,
                    const Real& tMin,
                    const Real& tMax)
                    : node_(node)
                    , tMin_(tMin)
                    , tMax_(tMax)

                Cursor node_;
                Real tMin_;
                Real tMax_;


            template <typename Intersector>
            ConstObjectIterator work(
                const KdTree<Real, N, ObjectPolicy>& tree,
                const Line<Real, N>& ray,
                Intersector intersector)
                Vector<Real, 2> tHit;
                if (!intersect(ray, tree.bound(), tHit) ||
                    tHit[1] < 0)
                    return tree.end();

                if (tHit[0] < 0)
                    tHit[0] = 0;

                // We are doing a front-to-back depth-first traversal.
                // The traversal is
                // done iteratively rather than
                // recursively by using a stack.

                std::vector<StackElement> stack;

                Cursor farChild;
                stack.push_back(StackElement(tree.root(), tHit[0], tHit[1]));

                Real tClosest = Infinity();
                ConstObjectIterator iterClosest = tree.end();

                    StackElement stackElement = stack.back();

                    Cursor currentNode = stackElement.node_;
                    Real tMin = stackElement.tMin_;
                    Real tMax = stackElement.tMax_;
                    Vector<Real, N> minPosition = ray.at(tMin);
                    Vector<Real, N> maxPosition = ray.at(tMax);

                        Real splitPosition = currentNode.splitPosition();
                        integer splitAxis = currentNode.splitAxis();

                        if (minPosition[splitAxis] <= splitPosition)
                            if (maxPosition[splitAxis] <= splitPosition)
                                // Only the negative child needs to be traversed.

                                currentNode = currentNode.negative();
                            // The thesis has a bug here, reading
                            //if (stack[exitIndex].position_[splitAxis] == splitPosition)
                            // Clearly it should be:
                            if (minPosition[splitAxis] == splitPosition)
                                // Only the positive child needs to be traversed.

                                currentNode = currentNode.positive();

                            // Both children need to be traversed,
                            // first the negative, then the positive.

                            farChild = currentNode.positive();
                            currentNode = currentNode.negative();
                            if (maxPosition[splitAxis] > splitPosition)
                                // Only the positive child needs to be traversed.

                                currentNode = currentNode.positive();

                            // Both children need to be traversed,
                            // first the positive, then the negative.

                            farChild = currentNode.negative();
                            currentNode = currentNode.positive();

                        // Traversing both children: the farther one
                        // is put on the stack.
                        // Note if both children are not traversed
                        // then this code is skipped by the continues.

                        ASSERT(ray.direction()[splitAxis] != 0);

                        //const Real t = (splitPosition - ray.position()[splitAxis]) /
                        // ray.direction()[splitAxis];

                        const Real t = (splitPosition - ray.position()[splitAxis]) *

                        ASSERT(t != (Real)Infinity());
                        ASSERT(t != -(Real)Infinity());

                        stack.push_back(StackElement(farChild, t, tMax));

                        tMax = t;
                        maxPosition = ray.position() + tMax * ray.direction();
                        maxPosition[splitAxis] = splitPosition;

                    // We are now in a leaf node.

                    //ASSERT(tMin < tMax);

                    ConstObjectIterator iter = currentNode.begin();
                    ConstObjectIterator iterEnd = currentNode.end();
                    while(iter != iterEnd)
                        Real t = 0;
                        if (intersector(*iter, ray, t))
                            // Only accept intersection if it
                            // it is contained in this leaf node
                            // and it is closer than the previous
                            // intersection.

                            if (t < tClosest &&
                                t >= tMin && t <= tMax)
                                tClosest = t;
                                iterClosest = iter;


                    if (iterClosest != tree.end())
                        return iterClosest;

                return tree.end();


    template <
        typename Real,
        integer N,
        typename ObjectPolicy,
        typename Intersector>
        typename KdTree<Real, N, ObjectPolicy>::ConstObjectIterator
        const KdTree<Real, N, ObjectPolicy>& tree,
        const Line<Real, N>& ray,
        Intersector intersector)
        static Detail::RecursiveRayTraversal<Real, N, ObjectPolicy> rayTraversal;
        return rayTraversal.work(tree, ray, intersector);

