
Back to KdTree class



#include "pastel/geometry/kdtree/kdtree_refine.h"

namespace Pastel

    class Fair_SplitRule_KdTree
        template <
            typename Real, integer N, 
            typename ObjectPolicy>
            std::pair<Real, integer> operator()(
            const Vector<Real, N>& minBound,
            const Vector<Real, N>& maxBound,
            const ObjectPolicy& objectPolicy,
            const typename KdTree<Real, N, ObjectPolicy>::ConstObjectIterator& objectBegin,
            const typename KdTree<Real, N, ObjectPolicy>::ConstObjectIterator& objectEnd) const
            // Split along the longest dimension.

            integer splitAxis = maxIndex(maxBound - minBound);
            Real splitPosition = linear(minBound[splitAxis], 
                maxBound[splitAxis], 0.5);

            return std::make_pair(splitPosition, splitAxis);

    class SlidingMidpoint_SplitRule_KdTree
        template <
            typename Real, integer N,
            typename ObjectPolicy>
            std::pair<Real, integer> operator()(
            const Vector<Real, N>& minBound,
            const Vector<Real, N>& maxBound,
            const ObjectPolicy& objectPolicy,
            const typename KdTree<Real, N, ObjectPolicy>::ConstObjectIterator& objectBegin,
            const typename KdTree<Real, N, ObjectPolicy>::ConstObjectIterator& objectEnd) const
            typedef typename KdTree<Real, N, ObjectPolicy>::ConstObjectIterator 

            // Split along the longest dimension.

            integer splitAxis = maxIndex(maxBound - minBound);
            Real splitPosition = linear(minBound[splitAxis], 
                maxBound[splitAxis], 0.5);

            // Sliding midpoint

            AlignedBox<Real, 1> objectBound;

            ConstObjectIterator iter = objectBegin;
            ConstObjectIterator iterEnd = objectEnd;
            while(iter != iterEnd)

                const Tuple<Real, 2> objectRange = objectPolicy.bound(*iter, splitAxis);

                objectBound = boundingAlignedBox(objectBound,
                    AlignedBox<Real, 1>(
                    Vector<Real, 1>(objectRange[0]),
                    Vector<Real, 1>(objectRange[1])));


            if (splitPosition < objectBound.min()[0] &&
                objectBound.min()[0] < maxBound[splitAxis])
                splitPosition = objectBound.min()[0];
            if (splitPosition > objectBound.max()[0] &&
                objectBound.max()[0] > minBound[splitAxis])
                splitPosition = objectBound.max()[0];

            return std::make_pair(splitPosition, splitAxis);

    class SlidingMidpoint_SplitRule_KdTree2
        template <
            typename Real, integer N,
            typename ObjectPolicy>
            std::pair<Real, integer> operator()(
            const Vector<Real, N>& minBound,
            const Vector<Real, N>& maxBound,
            const ObjectPolicy& objectPolicy,
            const typename KdTree<Real, N, ObjectPolicy>::ConstObjectIterator& objectBegin,
            const typename KdTree<Real, N, ObjectPolicy>::ConstObjectIterator& objectEnd) const
            typedef typename KdTree<Real, N, ObjectPolicy>::ConstObjectIterator 

            // Find object spread.

            integer dimension = minBound.n();

            AlignedBox<Real, N> objectBound(dimension);

            ConstObjectIterator iter = objectBegin;
            ConstObjectIterator iterEnd = objectEnd;
            while(iter != iterEnd)
                objectBound = boundingAlignedBox(



            // Find the longest dimension.

            Vector<Real, N> extent = maxBound - minBound;

            integer maxExtentAxis = maxIndex(extent);
            Real maxExtent = extent[maxExtentAxis];

            integer maxLegalSpreadAxis = 0;
            Real maxLegalSpread = 0;

            Vector<Real, N> spread = objectBound.extent();

            for (integer i = 0;i < dimension;++i)

                if (extent[i] >= 0.8 * maxExtent)
                    if (spread[i] >= maxLegalSpread)
                        maxLegalSpreadAxis = i;
                        maxLegalSpread = spread[i];

            integer splitAxis = maxLegalSpreadAxis;

            Real splitPosition = linear(minBound[splitAxis], 
                maxBound[splitAxis], 0.5);

            if (splitPosition < objectBound.min()[splitAxis])
                splitPosition = objectBound.min()[splitAxis];
            if (splitPosition > objectBound.max()[splitAxis])
                splitPosition = objectBound.max()[splitAxis];

            if (splitPosition < minBound[splitAxis])
                splitPosition = minBound[splitAxis];
            if (splitPosition > maxBound[splitAxis])
                splitPosition = maxBound[splitAxis];

            return std::make_pair(splitPosition, splitAxis);

    namespace KdTree_

        template <typename Real, integer N, typename ObjectPolicy>
        class BoundPoint
            using Tree = KdTree<Real, N, ObjectPolicy>;
            using ConstObjectIterator = typename Tree::ConstObjectIterator;

                const Real& position,
                bool start,
                const ConstObjectIterator& object)
                : position_(position)
                , start_(start)
                , object_(object)

            bool operator<(const BoundPoint& that) const
                if (position_ < that.position_)
                    return true;

                if (position_ > that.position_)
                    return false;

                if (!start_ && that.start_)
                    // Ending points before starting points.
                    return true;

                if (start_ && !that.start_)
                    return false;

                return object_ < that.object_;

            Real position_;
            bool start_;
            ConstObjectIterator object_;

        template <
            typename Real, integer N,
            typename ObjectPolicy>
            void refineSurfaceAreaHeuristic(
            const typename KdTree<Real, N, ObjectPolicy>::Cursor& cursor,
            integer depth,
            const AlignedBox<Real, N>& bound,
            integer maxDepth,
            integer maxObjects,
            integer badRefines,
            KdTree<Real, N, ObjectPolicy>& tree)
            using Tree = KdTree<Real, N, ObjectPolicy>;
            using ConstObjectIterator = typename Tree::ConstObjectIterator;

            if (depth >= maxDepth)

            Real costToTraverse = 1;
            Real costToIntersect = 80;
            Real emptyScale = 0.85;

            if (cursor.leaf())
                // Surface area heuristic

                // This implementation is essentially from the book
                // "Physically based rendering - From theory to implementation"

                // For the surface heuristic area also refer
                // "Heuristic ray shooting algorithms"

                // Start from the axis which
                // has the maximum extent.

                if (cursor.objects() > maxObjects)
                    Real nodeArea = area(bound);
                    Real invNodeArea = inverse(nodeArea);

                    const Real leafCost = cursor.objects() * costToIntersect;

                    bool foundSplit = false;
                    Real minPosition = 0;
                    Real minCost = Infinity();
                    integer minAxis = 0;

                    integer n = tree.n();

                    for (integer axis = 0;axis < n;++axis)
                        std::vector<BoundPoint<Real, N, ObjectPolicy> > pointList;

                        const integer boundPoints = 2 * cursor.objects();

                        ConstObjectIterator iter = cursor.begin();
                        ConstObjectIterator iterEnd = cursor.end();
                        while(iter != iterEnd)
                            const Tuple<Real, 2> objectBound = tree.objectPolicy().bound(*iter, axis);

                            pointList.push_back(BoundPoint<Real, N, ObjectPolicy>(objectBound[0], true, iter));
                            pointList.push_back(BoundPoint<Real, N, ObjectPolicy>(objectBound[1], false, iter));


                        std::sort(pointList.begin(), pointList.end());

                        AlignedBox<Real, N> positiveBound(bound);
                        AlignedBox<Real, N> negativeBound(bound);

                        integer negativeObjects = 0;
                        integer positiveObjects = cursor.objects();
                        for (integer i = 0;i < boundPoints;++i)
                            if (!pointList[i].start_)

                            real position = pointList[i].position_;

                            if (position >= bound.min()[axis] &&
                                position < bound.max()[axis])
                                positiveBound.min()[axis] = position;
                                negativeBound.max()[axis] = position;

                                // Note that the probabilities
                                // of intersecting the negative and
                                // the positive child node do not
                                // need to sum to one (and they don't).

                                Real negativeProbability =
                                    area(negativeBound) * invNodeArea;
                                Real positiveProbability =
                                    area(positiveBound) * invNodeArea;

                                Real scale = 1;
                                if (negativeObjects == 0 || positiveObjects == 0)
                                    scale = emptyScale;

                                Real totalCost =
                                    costToTraverse +

                                    scale * (negativeProbability * negativeObjects +
                                    positiveProbability * positiveObjects) * costToIntersect;

                                if (totalCost < minCost)
                                    minCost = totalCost;
                                    minPosition = position;
                                    minAxis = axis;
                                    foundSplit = true;

                            if (pointList[i].start_)

                    if (foundSplit)
                        if (minCost > leafCost)
                            if (badRefines == 3)

                        tree.subdivide(cursor, minPosition, minAxis);

            // A leaf node might have been turned
            // into an intermediate node and thus this can't
            // be an else branch.
            if (!cursor.leaf())
                Real splitPosition = cursor.splitPosition();
                integer splitAxis = cursor.splitAxis();

                AlignedBox<Real, N> negativeBound(bound);
                negativeBound.max()[splitAxis] = splitPosition;

                refineSurfaceAreaHeuristic(cursor.negative(), depth + 1,
                    negativeBound, maxDepth, maxObjects, badRefines, tree);

                AlignedBox<Real, N> positiveBound(bound);
                positiveBound.min()[splitAxis] = splitPosition;

                refineSurfaceAreaHeuristic(cursor.positive(), depth + 1,
                    positiveBound, maxDepth, maxObjects, badRefines, tree);


    template <
        typename Real,
        integer N,
        typename ObjectPolicy>
        void refineSurfaceAreaHeuristic(
        integer maxDepth,
        integer maxObjects,

        KdTree<Real, N, ObjectPolicy>& tree)
        ENSURE_OP(maxDepth, >=, 0);
        ENSURE_OP(maxObjects, >=, 1);

            tree.root(), 0, tree.bound(), maxDepth, maxObjects, 0, tree);

