
Back to KdTree class


// Description: Algorithms for KdTree
// Documentation: kdtree.txt


#include "pastel/geometry/kdtree/kdtree.h"
#include "pastel/geometry/kdtree/kdtree_refine.h"
#include "pastel/geometry/kdtree/kdtree_raytraversal.h"

namespace Pastel

    //! Computes a good maximum depth value for a kd-tree.
   objects >= 0

    integer computeKdTreeMaxDepth(integer objects);

    //! Computes the maximum depth of the kd-tree.

    template <typename Real, integer N,
        typename ObjectPolicy>
    integer depth(const KdTree<Real, N, ObjectPolicy>& tree);

    //! Checks the invariants of the kd-tree.
   This function is used for debugging purposes
   to ensure that the kd-tree correctly maintains
   its invariants.

    template <typename Real, integer N,
        typename ObjectPolicy>
    bool check(const KdTree<Real, N, ObjectPolicy>& tree);

    template <integer N_A, typename Real, typename ObjectPolicy_A, 
        integer N_B, typename ObjectPolicy_B>
    bool equivalent(const KdTree<Real, N_A, ObjectPolicy_A>& aTree,
    const KdTree<Real, N_B, ObjectPolicy_B>& bTree);


#include "pastel/geometry/kdtree/kdtree_tools.hpp"
