
Back to Matrix class


// Description: Matrix expressions


#include "pastel/math/matrix/matrix.h"
#include "pastel/math/matrix/matrix_expression.h"

namespace Pastel

    //! Returns the only element of a 1x1 matrix.
    template <typename Real>
    Real& scalar(Matrix<Real>& matrix);

    //! Returns the only element of a 1x1 matrix.
    template <typename Real>
    const Real& scalar(const Matrix<Real>& matrix);

    // Vectors and matrices
    template <typename Real, typename Expression>
    Vector<Real, Dynamic> diagonal(
        const MatrixExpression<Real, Expression>& matrix);

    //! Returns a diagonal matrix with the given value.
   matrix.width() == matrix.height()
    template <typename Real, integer N>
    void setDiagonal(
        Matrix<Real>& matrix,
        const NoDeduction<Real>& value);

    //! Returns a diagonal matrix with elements from a vector.
   matrix.width() == matrix.height() == values.size()
    template <typename Real, integer N>
    void setDiagonal(
        Matrix<Real>& matrix,
        const Vector<Real, N>& values);

    //! Transponates a matrix in-place.
    template <typename Real, integer Height, integer Width>
    void transponate(
        Matrix<Real>& matrix);

    //! Returns a diagonal matrix.
   m >= 0
   n >= 0
    template <typename Real, integer N, typename Expression>
    MatrixDiagonal<Real, Expression> diagonalMatrix(
        integer m, integer n,
        const VectorExpression<Real, N, Expression>& diagonal);

    //! Returns a square diagonal matrix.
    template <typename Real, integer N, typename Expression>
    MatrixDiagonal<Real, Expression> diagonalMatrix(
        const VectorExpression<Real, N, Expression>& diagonal);

    //! Returns the identity matrix.
   m >= 0
   n >= 0
    template <typename Real>
    MatrixDiagonal<Real, VectorConstant<Real, Dynamic>> identityMatrix(
        integer m, integer n);

    //! Returns a constant matrix.
   height >= 0
   width >= 0
    template <typename Real>
    MatrixConstant<Real> constantMatrix(
        integer m, integer n, NoDeduction<Real> value = 0);

    //! Returns the transpose of the given matrix.
    template <typename Real, typename Expression>
    MatrixTranspose<Real, Expression> transpose(
        const MatrixExpression<Real, Expression>& that);

    //! Returns the minimum value of each column as a vector.
    template <typename Real, typename Expression>
    MatrixMin<Real, Expression> min(
        const MatrixExpression<Real, Expression>& that);

    //! Returns the maximum value of each column as a vector.
    template <typename Real, typename Expression>
    MatrixMax<Real, Expression> max(
        const MatrixExpression<Real, Expression>& that);

    //! Computes the outer product v w^T.
   Here 'left' is v and 'right' is w.
    template <typename Real, 
        integer Height, integer Width, 
        typename LeftExpression,
        typename RightExpression>
        OuterProduct<Real, LeftExpression, RightExpression>
        const VectorExpression<Real, Height, LeftExpression>& left,
        const VectorExpression<Real, Width, RightExpression>& right);

    //! Computes the outer product v v^T.
   This is a convenience function that calls
   outerProduct(that, that). See the documentation
   for that function.
    template <typename Real, integer N, typename Expression>
        OuterProduct<Real, Expression, Expression>
        const VectorExpression<Real, N, Expression>& that);

    //! Returns the absolute value of each element.
    template <typename Real, typename Expression>
    MatrixAbs<Real, Expression> abs(
        const MatrixExpression<Real, Expression>& that);

    //! Repeats a matrix expression to form a bigger matrix expression.
   xBlocks >= 0
   yBlocks >= 0
    template <typename Real, typename Expression>
    MatrixRepeat<Real, Expression> repeat(
        const MatrixExpression<Real, Expression>& that,
        integer yBlocks, integer xBlocks);

    template <typename Real, integer N>
    ArrayMatrix<Real> arrayMatrix(
        integer height, integer width,
        Real (&data)[N]);

    template <typename Real>
    ArrayMatrix<Real> arrayMatrix(
        integer height, integer width,
        const Real* data);

    template <typename Real, integer M, integer N>
    ArrayMatrix<Real> arrayMatrix(
        Real (&data)[M][N]);

    template <typename Real>
    Matrix<Real> matrix1x1(NoDeduction<Real> a00);

    template <
        typename Real, integer N, 
        typename Expression1>
    Matrix<Real> matrix1x1(
        const VectorExpression<Real, N, Expression1>& firstColumn);

    template <typename Real>
    Matrix<Real> matrix2x2(
        NoDeduction<Real> a00, NoDeduction<Real> a01,
        NoDeduction<Real> a10, NoDeduction<Real> a11);

    template <
        typename Real, integer N, 
        typename Expression1, 
        typename Expression2>
    Matrix<Real> matrix2x2(
        const VectorExpression<Real, N, Expression1>& firstColumn,
        const VectorExpression<Real, N, Expression2>& secondColumn);

    template <typename Real>
    Matrix<Real> matrix3x3(
        NoDeduction<Real> a00, NoDeduction<Real> a01, NoDeduction<Real> a02,
        NoDeduction<Real> a10, NoDeduction<Real> a11, NoDeduction<Real> a12,
        NoDeduction<Real> a20, NoDeduction<Real> a21, NoDeduction<Real> a22);

    template <
        typename Real, integer N, 
        typename Expression1, 
        typename Expression2,
        typename Expression3>
    Matrix<Real> matrix3x3(
        const VectorExpression<Real, N, Expression1>& firstColumn,
        const VectorExpression<Real, N, Expression2>& secondColumn,
        const VectorExpression<Real, N, Expression3>& thirdColumn);

    template <typename Real>
    Matrix<Real> matrix4x4(
        NoDeduction<Real> a00, NoDeduction<Real> a01, NoDeduction<Real> a02, NoDeduction<Real> a03,
        NoDeduction<Real> a10, NoDeduction<Real> a11, NoDeduction<Real> a12, NoDeduction<Real> a13,
        NoDeduction<Real> a20, NoDeduction<Real> a21, NoDeduction<Real> a22, NoDeduction<Real> a23,
        NoDeduction<Real> a30, NoDeduction<Real> a31, NoDeduction<Real> a32, NoDeduction<Real> a33);

    template <
        typename Real, integer N, 
        typename Expression1, 
        typename Expression2,
        typename Expression3,
        typename Expression4>
    Matrix<Real> matrix4x4(
        const VectorExpression<Real, N, Expression1>& firstColumn,
        const VectorExpression<Real, N, Expression2>& secondColumn,
        const VectorExpression<Real, N, Expression3>& thirdColumn,
        const VectorExpression<Real, N, Expression4>& fourthColumn);

    template <typename Real>
    void swap(Matrix<Real>& left, Matrix<Real>& right);

    template <typename Real, integer N,
    typename LeftExpression, typename RightExpression>
    const MatrixVectorMultiplication<Real, N, LeftExpression, RightExpression> operator *(
        const MatrixExpression<Real, LeftExpression>& left,
        const VectorExpression<Real, N, RightExpression>& right);

    template <typename Real, integer N,
    typename LeftExpression, typename RightExpression>
    const VectorMatrixMultiplication<Real, N, LeftExpression, RightExpression> operator *(
        const VectorExpression<Real, N, LeftExpression>& left,
        const MatrixExpression<Real, RightExpression>& right);


#include <iostream>

namespace Pastel

    template <typename Real, typename Expression>
    std::ostream& operator<<(
        std::ostream& stream,
        const MatrixExpression<Real, Expression>& m);


#include "pastel/math/matrix/matrix_tools.hpp"
