
Back to Uniform distortion



#include "pastel/math/sampling/uniform_distortion.h"
#include "pastel/math/coordinate/coordinates.h"

#include "pastel/sys/math_functions.h"
#include "pastel/sys/math/constants.h"
#include "pastel/sys/vector/vector_tools.h"
#include "pastel/sys/random.h"

namespace Pastel

    template <typename Real, integer N, RequiresC<(N == 1)>>
    Vector<Real, N> uniformlySampleAnnulus(
        const Vector<Real, N>& uv,
        const NoDeduction<Real>& minRadius,
        const NoDeduction<Real>& maxRadius)
        PENSURE_OP(minRadius, >=, 0);
        PENSURE_OP(maxRadius, >=, 0);
        PENSURE_OP(minRadius, <, maxRadius);

        // See the implementation for the 3d version
        // for derivation.

        if (uv[0] < 0.5)
            return linear(
                2 * uv[0]);

        return linear(
            2 * uv[0] - 1);

    template <typename Real, integer N, RequiresC<(N == 2)>>
    Vector<Real, N>uniformlySampleAnnulus(
        const Vector<Real, N>& uv,
        const NoDeduction<Real>& minRadius,
        const NoDeduction<Real>& maxRadius)
        PENSURE_OP(minRadius, >=, 0);
        PENSURE_OP(maxRadius, >=, 0);
        PENSURE_OP(minRadius, <, maxRadius);

        // See the implementation for the 3d version
        // for derivation.

        Real r =
            minRadius * minRadius,
            maxRadius * maxRadius,
        Real theta =
            2 * constantPi<Real>() * uv[0];

        return sphericalToCartesian(
            Vector<Real, 2>(r, theta));

    template <typename Real, integer N, RequiresC<(N == 3)>>
    Vector<Real, N> uniformlySampleAnnulus(
        const Vector<Real, N>& uv,
        const NoDeduction<Real>& minRadius,
        const NoDeduction<Real>& maxRadius)
        PENSURE_OP(minRadius, >=, 0);
        PENSURE_OP(maxRadius, >=, 0);
        PENSURE_OP(minRadius, <, maxRadius);

        // Uniform sampling of a hyperannulus
        // ==================================
        // Problem
        // -------
        // Given is a uniformly distributed random variable
        // in [0, 1]^N. Distort the random variable such
        // that it becomes uniformly distributed
        // in the (r_min, r_max)-hyperannulus.
        // Solution
        // --------
        // We will first outline the strategy. The points
        // of the hyperannulus are best described
        // via hyperspherical coordinates. Thus our
        // strategy will be to find a transform
        // from the [0, 1]^N to the hyperspherical coordinates
        // with the range [r_min, r_max] x [0, pi]^(N - 2) x [0, 2pi].
        // The corresponding cartesian coordinates are then get via
        // coordinate conversion.
        // Here are some important definite integrals that
        // we will be needing:
        // int[0..X] sin^0(x) dx
        // = [0..X] 1
        // = X
        // int[0..X] sin^1(x) dx
        // = [0..X] -cos(x)
        // = 1 - cos(X)
        // int[0..X] sin^2(x) dx
        // = int[0..X] 1/2 + 1/2 cos(2x) dx
        // = (1/2)X + (1/4) int[0..X] 2 cos(2x) dx
        // = (1/2)X + (1/4) [0..X] sin(2x)
        // = (1/2)X + (1/4) sin(2X)
        // ...
        // int[0..X] sin^10(x) dx
        // = -(193/256) sin(X) cos(X) + (149/128) sin(X) cos(X)^3 - (171/160) sin(X) cos(X)^5
        // + (41/80) sin(X) cos(X)^7 - (1/10) sin(X) cos(X)^9 + (63/256) X
        // We begin by computing the partial volume V(R, A_1, A_2, ..., A_(N - 1)) of the hyperannulus,
        // where (R, A_1, ..., A_(N - 1)) is a hyperspherical coordinate.
        // Substituting R = r_max, A_1 = pi, A_2 = pi, ..., A_(N - 2) = pi, A_(N - 1) = 2 pi
        // will give the volume of the hyperannulus. Ultimately, our main problem is to find
        // out how the uniform random variable u_k (and u_r) must be transformed to the A_k (and R)
        // such that the volume changes linearly with u_k (and u_r).
        // The partial volume is given by integrating the hyperspherical volume element:
        // V(R, A_1, A_2, ..., A_(N - 1))
        // =
        // int[r = r_min..R] r^(N - 1) *
        // int[a_1 = 0..A_1] sin^(N - 2)(a_1) da_1 *
        // int[a_2 = 0..A_2] sin^(N - 3)(a_2) da_2 *
        // ...
        // int[a_(N - 2) = 0..A_(N - 2)] sin(a_(N - 2)) da_(N - 2) *
        // int[a_(N - 1) = 0..A_(N - 1)] 1 da_(N - 1)
        // =
        // (A_(N - 1) / N)(R^N - r_min^N) *
        // int[a_1 = 0..A_1] sin^(N - 2)(a_1) da_1 *
        // int[a_2 = 0..A_2] sin^(N - 3)(a_2) da_2 *
        // ...
        // int[a_(N - 2) = 0..A_(N - 2)] sin(a_(N - 2)) da_(N - 2)
        // Unfortunately computing V for arbitrary dimensions
        // is hard. You can get the answer in nice form for any specific dimension,
        // however, there seems to be no structure to aid in the construction
        // of the expression: just look at the integral for the sin^10(x) above.
        // However, before rushing to solve this problem, note that there
        // will be another more serious problem with higher dimensions (which
        // can not be solved). Let us compute V for dimensions 1, 2, and 3:
        // V(R)
        // = 2 (R - r_min)
        // V(R, A_1)
        // = (1/2) (R^2 - r_min^2) A_1
        // =>
        // V(r_max, 2pi)
        // = pi (r_max^2 - r_min^2)
        // V(R, A_1, A_2)
        // = (1/3) (R^3 - r_min^3) (1 - cos(A_1)) A_2
        // =>
        // V(r_max, pi, 2pi)
        // = (4pi/3) (r_max^3 - r_min^3)
        // Encouraged by the success in these dimensions, we shall
        // try the 4-dimensional case:
        // V(R, A_1, A_2, A_3)
        // = (1/4) (R^4 - r_min^4) ((1/2)A_1 + (1/4)sin(2 A_1)) (1 - cos(A_2)) A_3
        // We again get a closed form solution. Actually, we can get a closed form
        // solution for any dimension, although with substantial trouble.
        // However, note that in this 4d case A_1 is not solvable in closed form from the equation.
        // Because higher dimensional formulas contain a similar term (and yet more complex
        // terms), it will be the case that with higher dimensions some parameter is
        // not solvable in closed form. We then conclude that
        // this technique is not applicable to dimensions higher than 3.
        // Let us now proceed with the dimensions 1, 2, and 3.
        // The technique is to substitute all parameters in V
        // with their maxima except for one parameter.
        // The idea is to find out how that
        // single parameter must be varied in order for the partial
        // volume to change linearly. This will gives us the
        // perturbation from the hypercube to the hyperannulus.
        // 2d:
        // u_r V(r_max, 2pi) = V(R, 2pi) = pi (R^2 - r_min^2)
        // =>
        // u_r pi (r_max^2 - r_min^2) = pi (R^2 - r_min^2)
        // =>
        // u_r (r_max^2 - r_min^2) = (R^2 - r_min^2)
        // =>
        // R = sqrt(u_r (r_max^2 - r_min^2) + r_min^2)
        // u_1 V(r_max, 2pi) = V(r_max, A_1) = (1/2) (r_max^2 - r_min^2) A_1
        // =>
        // u_1 pi (r_max^2 - r_min^2) = (1/2) (r_max^2 - r_min^2) A_1
        // =>
        // u_1 pi = (1/2) A_1
        // =>
        // A_1 = 2 pi u_1
        // 3d:
        // u_r V(r_max, pi, 2pi) = V(R, pi, 2pi) = (4pi/3) (R^3 - r_min^3)
        // =>
        // u_r (4pi/3) (r_max^3 - r_min^3) = (4pi/3) (R^3 - r_min^3)
        // =>
        // u_r (r_max^3 - r_min^3) = (R^3 - r_min^3)
        // =>
        // R = (u_r (r_max^3 - r_min^3) + r_min^3)^(1/3)
        // u_1 V(r_max, pi, 2pi) = V(r_max, A_1, 2pi) = (2pi/3) (r_max^3 - r_min^3) (1 - cos(A_1))
        // =>
        // u_1 (4pi/3) (r_max^3 - r_min^3) = (2pi/3) (r_max^3 - r_min^3) (1 - cos(A_1))
        // =>
        // 2 u_1 = 1 - cos(A_1)
        // =>
        // cos(A_1) = 1 - 2 u_1
        // =>
        // A_1 = acos(1 - 2 u_1)
        // u_2 V(r_max, pi, 2pi) = V(r_max, pi, A_2) = (2/3) (r_max^3 - r_min^3) A_2
        // =>
        // u_2 (4pi/3) (r_max^3 - r_min^3) = (2/3) (r_max^3 - r_min^3) A_2
        // =>
        // A_2 = 2 pi u_2
        // Summary
        // -------
        // To distort a uniform distribution in [0, 1]^N to a
        // uniform distribution in a (r_min, r_max)-hyperannulus described
        // by hyperspherical coordinates, use the following
        // formulas:
        // 2d:
        // Let [u_r, u_1] in [0, 1]^2.
        // R = sqrt(u_r (r_max^2 - r_min^2) + r_min^2)
        // A_1 = 2 pi u_1
        // 3d:
        // Let [u_r, u_1, u_2] in [0, 1]^3.
        // R = (u_r (r_max^3 - r_min^3) + r_min^3)^(1/3)
        // A_1 = acos(1 - 2 u_1)
        // A_2 = 2 pi u_2
        // Higher dimensions:
        // There is no closed form solution.

        Real r =
            minRadius * minRadius * minRadius,
            maxRadius * maxRadius * maxRadius,
        Real phi =
            std::acos(1 - 2 * uv[1]);
        Real theta =
            2 * constantPi<Real>() * uv[2];

        return sphericalToCartesian(
            Vector<Real, 3>(r, phi, theta));

    // uniformlySampleSimplex

    template <typename Real, integer N, RequiresC<(N == 1)>>
    Vector<Real, N> uniformlySampleSimplex(
        const Vector<Real, N>& uv)
        return uv;

    template <typename Real, integer N, RequiresC<(N == 2)>>
    Vector<Real, N> uniformlySampleSimplex(
        const Vector<Real, N>& uv)
        // Let p be a uniform probability distribution
        // in the unit n-simplex
        // {x | sum(x) <= 1, allGreaterEqual(x, 0)}
        // The volume of the simplex is 1/n!.
        // Thus:
        // p(x, y) = n!
        // The marginal density w.r.t. to y is:
        // p_y(x) = int[0..1 - x] p(x, y) dy
        // = 2 * (1 - x)
        // Its cumulative probability is:
        // P_y(X) = int[0..X] p_y(x) dx
        // = 2 * (X - X^2 / 2) = 2 * X - X^2
        // Invert the cumulative probability function to get:
        // -X^2 + 2 * X - u = 0
        // =>
        // X = [-2 + sqrt(4 - 4 * u)] / -2
        // = 1 - sqrt(1 - u)
        // (1 - u) is also uniformly distributed, thus we
        // can choose:
        // X = 1 - sqrt(u)
        // Conditional density w.r.t to x is:
        // p(y | x) = p(x, y) / p_y(x)
        // = 2 / (2 * (1 - x)) = 1 / (1 - x)
        // Its cumulative probability is:
        // P(y | x) = int[0.. Y] p(y | x) dy
        // = Y / (1 - x)
        // Invert the cumulative probability function to get:
        // => Y = (1 - X) * v
        // = sqrt(u) * v

        Real uSqrt(std::sqrt(uv[0]));
        return Vector<Real, N>(
            1 - uSqrt, uSqrt * uv[1]);

    template <typename Real, integer N, RequiresC<(N >= 3 || N == Dynamic)>>
    Vector<Real, N> uniformlySampleSimplex(
        const Vector<Real, N>& uv)
        integer n = uv.n();

        std::vector<Real> partition;
        partition.reserve(n + 2);
        for (integer i = 0;i < n;++i)

        std::sort(partition.begin(), partition.end());

        Vector<Real, N> simplex(ofDimension(n));

        for (integer i = 0;i < n;++i)
            simplex[i] = partition[i + 1] - partition[i];

        return simplex;

    // uniformlySampleBall

    template <typename Real, integer N, RequiresC<(N == 1)>>
    Vector<Real, N> uniformlySampleBall(
        const Vector<Real, N>& uv)
        return 2 * uv - 1;

    template <typename Real, integer N, RequiresC<(N == 2)>>
    Vector<Real, N> uniformlySampleBall(
        const Vector<Real, N>& uv)
        // "A Low Distortion Map Between Disk and Square",
        // Peter Shirley, Kenneth Chiu, 1997

        // A [-1, 1]^2 box is divided into four quadrants
        // as follows:
        //  ____
        // |\  /|
        // | \/ |
        // | /\ |
        // |/__\|
        // This box is distorted to a unit disk
        // such that each quadrant has its own transformation.
        // Take the right triangle as an example.
        // The result will be given in polar coordinates.
        // Lines aligned with x-axis are mapped to radial
        // lines. Lines aligned with y-axis are mapped to
        // circle arcs.
        // In short, concentric boxes are
        // mapped to concentric circles.

        const Vector<Real, 2> st(2 * uv - 1);

        Real radius(0);
        Real scaledTheta(0);

        if (st.x() > st.y())
            if (st.x() > -st.y())
                // Right triangle
                radius = st.x();
                scaledTheta = st.y() / radius;
                // Bottom triangle
                radius = -st.y();
                scaledTheta = 6 + st.x() / radius;
            if (st.x() > -st.y())
                // Top triangle
                radius = st.y();
                scaledTheta = 2 - st.x() / radius;
                // Left triangle
                radius = -st.x();
                scaledTheta = 4 - st.y() / radius;

        Real theta(
            scaledTheta * (constantPi<Real>() / 4));

        return Vector<Real, 2>(
            radius * std::cos(theta),
            radius * std::sin(theta));

   template <typename Real, integer N, RequiresC<(N == 2)>>
   Vector<Real), N> uniformlySampleBall(
       const Vector<Real, N>& uv)
       // This is the old implementation of 2-dimensional
       // uniform sampling from a ball.
       // Sampling uniformly from a ball is a special case of
       // sampling from an annulus: the unit-ball is a
       // (0, 1)-annulus. See the documentation for
       // uniformlySampleAnnulus() for derivation.

       Real r =
       Real theta =
           2 * constantPi<Real>() * uv[0];

       return sphericalToCartesian(
           Vector<Real, 2>(r, theta));

    template <typename Real, integer N, RequiresC<(N == 3)>>
    Vector<Real, N> uniformlySampleBall(
        const Vector<Real, N>& uv)
        // This is the old implementation of 3-dimensional
        // uniform sampling from a ball.
        // Sampling uniformly from a ball is a special case of
        // sampling from an annulus: the unit-ball is a
        // (0, 1)-annulus. See the documentation for
        // uniformlySampleAnnulus() for derivation.

        // TODO: Replace this function with a generalization
        // of the 2d low-distortion map.

        Real r =
            std::pow(uv[0], (Real)1/3);
        Real phi =
            std::acos(1 - 2 * uv[1]);
        Real theta =
            2 * constantPi<Real>() * uv[2];

        return sphericalToCartesian(
            Vector<Real, 3>(r, phi, theta));

   // distortDiskToCube

   template <typename Real>
   Vector<Real, 2> distortDiskToCube(
       const Vector<Real, 2>& uv)
       // This is the inverse of the
       // uniformlySampleBall<2, Real>() function.

       Real radius(norm(uv));
       Real theta(positiveRadians<Real>(std::atan2(uv[1], uv[0])));
       Real scaledTheta(
           theta / (constantPi<Real>() / 4));

       Real s;
       Real t;

       if (uv.x() > uv.y())
           if (uv.x() > -uv.y())
               // Right triangle
               s = radius;

               t = scaledTheta * radius;
               // Bottom triangle
               s = (scaledTheta - 6) * radius;
               t = -radius;
           if (uv.x() > -uv.y())
               // Top triangle
               s = (2 - scaledTheta) / radius;
               t = radius;
               // Left triangle
               s = -radius;
               t = (4 - scaledTheta) * radius;

       return Vector<Real, 2>(
           (s + 1) / 2, (t + 1) / 2);

    // uniformlySampleSphere

    template <typename Real, integer N, RequiresC<(N == 1)>>
    Vector<Real, ModifyN<N, N + 1>::Result> uniformlySampleSphere(
        const Vector<Real, N>& uv)
        const Real angle = 2 * constantPi<Real>() * uv[0];

        return Vector<Real, 2>(

    template <typename Real, integer N, RequiresC<(N == 2)>>
    Vector<Real, ModifyN<N, N + 1>::Result> uniformlySampleSphere(
        const Vector<Real, N>& uv)
        const Real phi(2 * constantPi<Real>() * uv[0]);
        const Real z(1 - 2 * uv[1]);
        const Real r(std::sqrt(1 - z * z));

        const Real x(r * std::cos(phi));
        const Real y(r * std::sin(phi));

        return Vector<Real, 3>(x, y, z);

    // uniformlySampleHemisphere

    template <typename Real, integer N, RequiresC<(N == 1)>>
    Vector<Real, ModifyN<N, N + 1>::Result> uniformlySampleHemisphere(
        const Vector<Real, N>& uv)
        const Real phi = constantPi<Real>() * uv[0];
        return Vector<Real, 2>(

    template <typename Real, integer N, RequiresC<(N == 2)>>
    Vector<Real, ModifyN<N, N + 1>::Result> uniformlySampleHemisphere(
        const Vector<Real, N>& uv)
        const Real phi(2 * constantPi<Real>() * uv[0]);
        Real z(uv[1]);

        const Real r(std::sqrt(1 - z * z));
        const Real x(r * std::cos(phi));
        const Real y(r * std::sin(phi));

        return Vector<Real, 3>(x, y, z);

    // cosineSampleHemisphere

    template <typename Real, integer N>
    Vector<Real, ModifyN<N, N + 1>::Result> cosineSampleHemisphere(
        const Vector<Real, N>& uv)
        // Malley's method:
        // Projecting a uniformly distributed
        // (n-1)-ball orthogonally up onto a n-hemisphere
        // produces a cosine-weighted distribution.

        Vector<Real, N> ball = uniformlySampleBall(uv);

        return extend(ball, std::sqrt(1 - dot(ball)));

