2-3 trees

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The 2-3-tree is a balanced search tree consisting of nodes with two and three children. Because its nodes are not homogeneous, it is rarely implemented in itself. However, at least two data structures, AA-trees and deterministic 1-2-skip-lists, can be thought to simulate 2-3-trees by a homogeneous data-structure. In these cases knowledge of the algorithms for the maintenance of 2-3-trees directly maps to knowledge of the algorithms for the simulating data-structures. In this section we provide the maintenance algorithms for 2-3-trees.


Let be a set together with a strict weak order in . If and , then we will define by and .


A 2-3-tree of height over is a rooted tree , where


The leaf nodes are all at the same depth in a 2-3-tree; it is always perfectly balanced. If a 2-3-tree contains elements in , then the height of the tree is bounded by

the bounds corresponding to the height of a balanced 3-ary search tree over , and the height of a balanced 2-ary search tree over , respectively. Therefore, if one can show that the property of being a 2-3-tree can be efficiently maintained under insertions and removals, then the 2-3-tree offers an efficient solution to the dynamic dictionary problem.

This turns out to be the case. Even better, the algorithms to do so are relatively simple (compared to a red-black tree, say). However, 2-3-trees are not seen to be implemented very commonly. I suspect that the reason for this is that the nodes are not homogeneous. Indeed, there would need to be a way to distinguish 2-nodes from 3-nodes, and then algorithms would need to branch their action based on the number of children the node has. Furthermore, these inconveniences can be avoided by simulating the 2-3-tree with a data-structure which is homogeneous.

Simulation data-structures

A 2-3-tree can be simulated by an AA-tree (for Arne Andersson, their inventor). An AA-tree is a simpler version of the red-black tree; a red-black tree simulates a 2-3-4-tree. Knowing this, the prominence of the red-black trees immediately becomes questionable; why not always prefer AA-trees over red-black trees? I do not know the answer.

A 2-3-tree can also be simulated by a deterministic 1-2-skip-list.

Since both of these data-structures simulate the 2-3-tree, knowledge of the algorithms for its maintenance provides knowledge for the maintenance of the simulation data-structures. Since these algorithms are also simple, knowledge of the 2-3-tree is useful.


In the following, the round brackets denote a sub-tree of the same height, and square brackets denote a node.

      /   \
    (1)   (3)

Case 1

This case

       /   \
     /       \
   [2]       (5)
  /   \
(1)   (3)

can be rebalanced to

  /  |  \
(1) (3) (5)

Case 2

This case

       /   |   \
     /     |     \
   [2]    (5)    (7)
  /   \
(1)   (3)

can be locally rebalanced by

       /     \
     /         \
   [2]         [6]
  /   \       /   \
(1)   (3)   (5)   (7)

Since the height is still one too large, the rebalancing must recurse on the top node of the subtree. The recursion stops at the root at the latest.



Since this subtree has height one less than its sibling, the tree needs to be rebalanced as follows.

Case 1 (1-X-1)

This case

    /   \
  /       \
(1)       [4]
         /   \
       (3)   (5)

can be locally rebalanced to

  /  |  \
(1) (3) (5)

Since this subtree is of height one less than its sibling, the rebalancing must recurse upwards.

Case 2 (1-X-2)

This case

    /   \
  /       \
(1)      [4|6]
        /  |  \
      (3) (5) (7)

can be rebalanced to

       /   \
     /       \
   [2]       [6]
  /   \     /   \
(1)   (3) (5)   (7)

Case 3 (2-X-1-1)

This case

       /   |   \
     /     |     \
   /       |       \
(1)       [4]       [8]
         /   \     /   \
       (3)   (5) (7)   (9)

can be rebalanced to

       /     \
     /         \
   [2]        [6|8]
  /   \      /  |  \
(1)   (3)  (5) (7) (9)

Case 4 (2-X-1-2)

This case

      /   |   \
    /     |     \
  /       |       \
(1)      [4]       [8|10]
        /   \     /  |  \
      (3)   (5) (7) (9) (11)

can be rebalanced to

          /   |   \
        /     |     \
      /       |       \
   [2]       [6]       [10]
  /   \     /   \     /   \
(1)   (3) (5)   (7) (9)   (11)

Case 5 (2-X-2-Y)

This case

      /   |   \
    /     |     \
  /       |       \
(1)     [4|6]    ((9))
       /  |  \ 
     (3) (5) (7)

can be rebalanced to

          /   |   \
        /     |     \
      /       |       \
   [2]       [6]      ((9))
  /   \     /   \
(1)   (3) (5)   (7)

Case 6 (2-1-X-Y)

This case

        /   |   \
      /     |     \
   [2]     (5)   ((7))
  /   \
(1)   (3)

can be rebalanced to

        /     \
      /         \
   [2|4]       ((9))
  /  |  \
(1) (3) (5)

Case 7 (2-2-X-Y)

This case

        /   |   \
      /     |     \
   [2|4]   (7)   ((9))
  /  |  \
(1) (3) (5)

can be rebalanced to

          /   |   \
        /     |     \
      /       |       \
   [2]       [6]      ((9))
  /   \     /   \
(1)   (3) (5)   (7)