
Back to Multi-dimensional array


// Description: Array class
// Detail: An n-dimensional array
// Tags: C++11


#include "pastel/sys/mytypes.h"
#include "pastel/sys/vector.h"
#include "pastel/sys/iterator/sparse_iterator.h"
#include "pastel/sys/subarray.h"
#include "pastel/sys/range.h"
#include "pastel/sys/alignedbox.h"

#include "pastel/sys/array/array_cursor.h"

namespace Pastel

    enum class StorageOrder : integer

    //! A multi-dimensional array.
    template <typename Type, integer N = 2>
    class Array
        // Using default assignment.
        // Using default destructor.

        static constexpr int Dimension = N;

        using RowIterator = SparseIterator<Type*>;
        using ConstRowIterator = ConstSparseIterator<const Type*>;
        using RowRange = boost::iterator_range<RowIterator>;
        using ConstRowRange = boost::iterator_range<ConstRowIterator>;

        using Element = Type;
        using Reference = Type&;
        using ConstReference = const Type&;

        using Iterator = Type*;
        using ConstIterator = const Type*;

        using Range = boost::iterator_range<Iterator>;
        using ConstRange = boost::iterator_range<ConstIterator>;

        using Cursor = Array_::Cursor<Type, N>;
        using ConstCursor = Array_::ConstCursor<Type, N>;

        //! Constructs an empty array.

        //! Construct an array of given extents using existing memory.
            const Vector<integer, N>& extent,
            const Alias<Type*>& dataAlias,
            StorageOrder order = StorageOrder::RowMajor);

        //! Constructs an array of given extents filled with given data.
        explicit Array(
            const Vector<integer, N>& extent,
            const Type& defaultData = Type(),
            StorageOrder order = StorageOrder::RowMajor);

        //! Copy-constructs an array.
       This is equivalent to
       Array(that, that.storageOrder()).
        Array(const Array& that);

        //! Copy-constructs an array.
        Array(const Array& that,
            StorageOrder order);

        //! Move-constructs an array.
        Array(Array&& that);

        //! Copy constructs an array with given extents.
       This is equivalent to
       Array(that, extent, defaultData, that.storageOrder()).
            const Array& that,
            const Vector<integer, N>& extent,
            const Type& defaultData = Type());

        //! Copy constructs an array with given extents.
            const Array& that,
            const Vector<integer, N>& extent,
            const Type& defaultData,
            StorageOrder order);

        //! Destruct an array.

        //! Frees all memory and sets extents to zero.
        void clear();

        //! Swaps contents with another array.
        void swap(Array& that);

        //! Sets the extents of the array.
       allGreaterEqual(extent, 0)

       If the new extents contain no elements, the
       effect is identical to calling "clear()".
       'defaultData' will be used to copy construct the newly
       created elements. If 'defaultData' is not given, it is 
       defaulted to an object constructed using the default 
        void setExtent(
            const Vector<integer, N>& extent,
            const Type& defaultData = Type());

        //! Returns the extent of the array.
        const Vector<integer, N>& extent() const;

        //! Sets the extents of the array using the existing data.
       allGreaterEqual(extent, 0)
       product(extent) == product(extent())

       Time complexity:
       O(d) where d is the dimension.

       Because the data is stored sequentially in row-major
       order, it is possible without reallocation to change
       the extents of the array in such a way that the
       total number of elements stays constant. The data
       retains its row-major storage convention.
        void reshape(
            const Vector<integer, N>& extent);

        //! Returns (size() == 0).
        bool empty() const;

        //! Returns whether the array aliases memory.
        bool isAlias() const
            return !deleteData_;

        //! Returns the number of elements in the array.
        integer size() const;

        //! Returns the dimension of the array.
        integer n() const;

        //! Copy-assigns from another array.
       Preserves storage order.
       Preserves storage address if and only if
       the extents of the arrays are equal.
        Array<Type, N>& operator=(const Array& that);

        //! Move-assigns from another array.
       Does not preserve storage order.
       Does not preserve storage address.
        Array<Type, N>& operator=(Array&& that);

        //! Sets all the elements to the given value.
       The parameter is deliberately taken by value,
       because a reference could be from this array.
        Array<Type, N>& operator=(const Type that);

        //! Sets elements to the given values.
       Extraneous elements are ignored; missing elements
       do not cause modifications. The elements are assigned
       in the order of the linearization.
        Array<Type, N>& operator=(const std::initializer_list<Type>& that);

        //! Copies data from another array.
       extent() == that.extent()

       Preserves storage order.
       Preserves storage address.
        void assign(const Array& that);

        //! Returns a reference to the element with the given index.
        Type& operator()(integer index);

        //! Returns a const reference to the element with the given index.
        const Type& operator()(integer index) const;

        //! Returns a reference to the given element.
        Type& operator()(const Vector<integer, N>& position);

        //! Returns a const reference to the given element.
        const Type& operator()(const Vector<integer, N>& position) const;

        //! Returns the sub-array in the range [min, max].
        SubArray<Type, N> operator()(
            const Vector<integer, N>& min,
            const Vector<integer, N>& max);

        //! Returns the sub-array in the range [min, max].
        ConstSubArray<Type, N> operator()(
            const Vector<integer, N>& min,
            const Vector<integer, N>& max) const;

        //! Returns a sparse sub-array in the range [min, max].
        SubArray<Type, N> operator()(
            const Vector<integer, N>& min,
            const Vector<integer, N>& max,
            const Vector<integer, N>& delta);

        //! Returns a sparse sub-array in the range [min, max].
        ConstSubArray<Type, N> operator()(
            const Vector<integer, N>& min,
            const Vector<integer, N>& max,
            const Vector<integer, N>& delta) const;

        //! Returns a sub-array of the whole array.
        SubArray<Type, N> operator()();

        //! Returns a non-mutable sub-array of the whole array.
        ConstSubArray<Type, N> operator()() const;

        //! Returns a cursor to the given position.
        Cursor cursor(const Vector<integer, N>& position);

        //! Returns a cursor to the given position.
        ConstCursor constCursor(const Vector<integer, N>& position) const;

        // Iterators

        //! An iterator to the first element.
        Iterator begin();

        //! An iterator to one-past-end element.
        Iterator end();

        PASTEL_CONST_ITERATOR_FUNCTIONS(begin, removeConst(*this).begin());
        PASTEL_CONST_ITERATOR_FUNCTIONS(end, removeConst(*this).end());

        //! An iterator range to all elements.
        Range range();

        //! An iterator range to all elements.
        ConstRange cRange() const;

        //! An iterator to the first element of a row.
        RowIterator rowBegin(
            const Vector<integer, N>& position, 
            integer axis);

        //! An iterator to the first element of a row.
        ConstRowIterator cRowBegin(
            const Vector<integer, N>& position, 
            integer axis) const;

        //! An iterator to the one-past end element of a row.
        RowIterator rowEnd(
            const Vector<integer, N>& position, 
            integer axis);

        //! An iterator to the one-past end element of a row.
        ConstRowIterator cRowEnd(
            const Vector<integer, N>& position, 
            integer axis) const;

        //! An iterator range to the elements of a row.
        RowRange rowRange(
            const Vector<integer, N>& position, 
            integer axis);

        //! An iterator range to the elements of a row.
        ConstRowRange cRowRange(
            const Vector<integer, N>& position, 
            integer axis) const;

        //! Returns a raw memory address of the first element.
        Type* rawBegin()
            return data_;

        //! Returns a raw memory address of the first element.
        const Type* rawBegin() const
            return data_;

        //! Returns a raw memory address of the one-past-last element.
        Type* rawEnd()
            return data_ + size_;

        //! Returns a raw memory address of the one-past-last element.
        const Type* rawEnd() const
            return data_ + size_;

        //! Returns the position at the given linear index.
       index >= 0
       index < size()
        Vector<integer, N> position(integer index) const;

        //! Returns the linear index given a position.
       allGreaterEqual(position, 0)
       allLess(position, extent())
        integer index(const Vector<integer, N>& position) const;

        //! Returns the memory address of the given position.
        const Type* address(const Vector<integer, N>& position) const;

        //! Returns the memory address of the given position.
        Type* address(const Vector<integer, N>& position);

        //! Returns the stride.
        const Vector<integer, N>& stride() const;

        //! Sets the storage order.
        void setStorageOrder(
            StorageOrder order);

        //! Returns the storage order.
        StorageOrder storageOrder() const;

        // 1-dimensional special functions.

        template <integer N_ = N, RequiresC<(N_ >= 1)> = 0>
        integer width() const
            return extent()[0];

        template <integer N_ = N, RequiresC<(N_ == 1)> = 0>
        Cursor cursor(integer x)
            return cursor(Vector<integer, N>(x));

        template <integer N_ = N, RequiresC<(N_ == 1)> = 0>
        ConstCursor constCursor(integer x) const
            return constCursor(Vector<integer, N>(x));

        // 2-dimensional special functions

        template <integer N_ = N, RequiresC<(N_ >= 2)> = 0>
        integer height() const
            return extent()[1];

        template <integer N_ = N, RequiresC<(N_ == 2)> = 0>
        Type& operator()(integer x, integer y)
            return operator()(Vector<integer, N>(x, y));

        template <integer N_ = N, RequiresC<(N_ == 2)> = 0>
        const Type& operator()(integer x, integer y) const
            return operator()(Vector<integer, N>(x, y));

        template <integer N_ = N, RequiresC<(N_ == 2)> = 0>
        Cursor cursor(integer x, integer y)
            return cursor(Vector<integer, N>(x, y));

        template <integer N_ = N, RequiresC<(N_ == 2)> = 0>
        ConstCursor constCursor(integer x, integer y) const
            return constCursor(Vector<integer, N>(x, y));

        template <integer N_ = N, RequiresC<(N_ == 2)> = 0>
        RowRange rowRange(integer y)
            return rowRange(Vector<integer, N>(0, y), 0);

        template <integer N_ = N, RequiresC<(N_ == 2)> = 0>
        ConstRowRange cRowRange(integer y) const
            return cRowRange(Vector<integer, N>(0, y), 0);

        template <integer N_ = N, RequiresC<(N_ == 2)> = 0>
        RowIterator rowBegin(integer y)
            return rowBegin(Vector<integer, N>(0, y), 0);

        template <integer N_ = N, RequiresC<(N_ == 2)> = 0>
        ConstRowIterator cRowBegin(integer y) const
            return cRowBegin(Vector<integer, N>(0, y), 0);

        template <integer N_ = N, RequiresC<(N_ == 2)> = 0>
        RowIterator rowEnd(integer y)
            return rowEnd(Vector<integer, N>(0, y), 0);

        template <integer N_ = N, RequiresC<(N_ == 2)> = 0>
        ConstRowIterator cRowEnd(integer y) const
            return cRowEnd(Vector<integer, N>(0, y), 0);

        template <integer N_ = N, RequiresC<(N_ == 2)> = 0>
        RowIterator columnBegin(integer x)
            return rowBegin(Vector<integer, N>(x, 0), 1);

        template <integer N_ = N, RequiresC<(N_ == 2)> = 0>
        ConstRowIterator cColumnBegin(integer x) const
            return cRowBegin(Vector<integer, N>(x, 0), 1);

        template <integer N_ = N, RequiresC<(N_ == 2)> = 0>
        RowIterator columnEnd(integer x)
            return rowEnd(Vector<integer, N>(x, 0), 1);

        template <integer N_ = N, RequiresC<(N_ == 2)> = 0>
        ConstRowIterator cColumnEnd(integer x) const
            return cRowEnd(Vector<integer, N>(x, 0), 1);

        template <integer N_ = N, RequiresC<(N_ == 2)> = 0>
        RowRange columnRange(integer x)
            return rowRange(Vector<integer, N>(x, 0), 1);

        template <integer N_ = N, RequiresC<(N_ == 2)> = 0>
        ConstRowRange cColumnRange(integer x) const
            return cRowRange(Vector<integer, N>(x, 0), 1);

        // 3-dimensional special functions

        template <integer N_ = N, RequiresC<(N_ >= 3)> = 0> 
        integer depth() const
            return extent()[2];

        template <integer N_ = N, RequiresC<(N_ == 3)> = 0>
        Type& operator()(integer x, integer y, integer z)
            return operator()(Vector<integer, N>(x, y, z));

        template <integer N_ = N, RequiresC<(N_ == 3)> = 0>
        const Type& operator()(integer x, integer y, integer z) const
            return operator()(Vector<integer, N>(x, y, z));

        template <integer N_ = N, RequiresC<(N_ == 3)> = 0>
        Cursor cursor(integer x, integer y, integer z)
            return cursor(Vector<integer, N>(x, y, z));

        template <integer N_ = N, RequiresC<(N_ == 3)> = 0>
        ConstCursor constCursor(integer x, integer y, integer z) const
            return constCursor(Vector<integer, N>(x, y, z));

        //! Copy constructs an array.
        void copyConstruct(
            const Array& that,
            StorageOrder order);

        template <bool ThisInRowOrder>
        void copyInitialize(const Array& that);

        void computeStride();

        void allocate(
            const Vector<integer, N>& extent);

        void deallocate();

        void construct(
            const AlignedBox<integer, N>& region,
            const Type& defaultData);

        void copyConstructLarger(
            const Array& that,
            const Type& defaultData,
            StorageOrder order);

       The extents of the array.

       The multiplicative factors by
       which each coordinate is scaled before
       being summed to form a linear index.
       A linear index is computed by the dot
       product of 'stride_' and a position.

       The storage order in which the data is
       linearized. A permutation of integers
       from 0 to n() - 1.          
       The order_[i] dimension changes 
       faster than order_[i + 1], when increasing
       a linear index.

       The number of elements in the array.
       Equal to product(extent_).

       A pointer to a memory region containing
       the elements of this array.

       If true, then the memory region in 'data_'
       is deallocated when it is no longer needed.
       Otherwise it is never deallocated.
       Used for aliasing.

        Vector<integer, N> extent_;
        Vector<integer, N> stride_;
        Vector<integer, N> order_;
        integer size_;
        Type* data_;
        bool deleteData_;

    template <typename Type, integer N>
    void swap(Array<Type, N>& left, Array<Type, N>& right);


#include "pastel/sys/array/array.hpp"
