
Back to Incidence graph



#include "pastel/sys/incidence_graph.h"
#include "pastel/sys/generic/class.h"

#include <array>

namespace Pastel

    template <typename Settings>
    class IncidenceGraph_Fwd<Settings>::Vertex
        : public VertexData_Class
        using Graph = IncidenceGraph_Fwd<Settings>;
        template <typename, template <typename> class>
        friend class IncidenceGraph;

        //! Move-constructs from another vertex.
       Time complexity: constant
       Exception safety: strong

       FIX: This function is needed solely because Visual Studio 2010
       does not support the emplace function properly. Remove this 
       function when support for emplace becomes available.
        Vertex(Vertex&& that)
            : VertexData_Class(std::move((VertexData_Class&&)that))
            , partitionSet_(std::move(that.partitionSet_))
            , sentinel_()
            , incidencesSet_(std::move(that.incidencesSet_))
            Incidence* next = that.sentinel_.next_;
            Incidence* prev = that.sentinel_.prev_;

            if (next != &that.sentinel_)
                sentinel_.next_ = next;
                next->prev_ = (Incidence*)&sentinel_;

                sentinel_.prev_ = prev;
                prev->next_ = (Incidence*)&sentinel_;

            for (integer i = 0;i < IncidenceTypes;++i)
                if (incidencesSet_[i] == 0)
                    partitionSet_[i] = (Incidence*)&sentinel_;


        //! Assigns to the contained data.
        template <typename Type>
        Vertex& operator=(Type&& that)
            ((VertexData_Class&)*this) = std::forward<Type>(that);
            return *this;


        // Undirected incidences

        Incidence_Iterator undirectedBegin()
            return begin_<Graph::Undirected>();

        Incidence_Iterator undirectedEnd()
            return end_<Graph::Undirected>();

        Incidence_ConstIterator cUndirectedBegin() const
            return begin_<Graph::Undirected>();

        Incidence_ConstIterator cUndirectedEnd() const
            return end_<Graph::Undirected>();

        integer undirectedEdges() const
            return incidences_<Graph::Undirected>();

        // Outgoing incidences

        Incidence_Iterator outgoingBegin()
            return begin_<Graph::Outgoing>();

        Incidence_Iterator outgoingEnd()
            return end_<Graph::Outgoing>();

        Incidence_ConstIterator cOutgoingBegin() const
            return begin_<Graph::Outgoing>();

        Incidence_ConstIterator cOutgoingEnd() const
            return end_<Graph::Outgoing>();

        integer outgoingEdges() const
            return incidences_<Graph::Outgoing>();

        // Incoming incidences

        Incidence_Iterator incomingBegin()
            return begin_<Graph::Incoming>();

        Incidence_Iterator incomingEnd()
            return end_<Graph::Incoming>();

        Incidence_ConstIterator cIncomingBegin() const
            return begin_<Graph::Incoming>();

        Incidence_ConstIterator cIncomingEnd() const
            return end_<Graph::Incoming>();

        integer incomingEdges() const
            return incidences_<Graph::Incoming>();

        // All incidences

        Incidence_Iterator allBegin() const
            return sentinel_.next_;

        Incidence_Iterator allEnd() const
            return (Incidence*)&sentinel_;

        Incidence_ConstIterator cAllBegin() const
            return sentinel_.next_;

        Incidence_ConstIterator cAllEnd() const
            return (const Incidence*)&sentinel_;

        integer allEdges() const
            integer result = 0;
            for (integer i = 0;i < IncidenceTypes;++i)
                result += incidencesSet_[i];
            return result;

        Vertex() = delete;
        Vertex(const Vertex& that) = delete;
        Vertex& operator=(const Vertex& that) = delete;

        explicit Vertex(VertexData_Class data)
            : VertexData_Class(std::move(data))
            , partitionSet_()
            , sentinel_()
            , incidencesSet_()

        void insert(integer I, Incidence* incidence)
            // Find a proper place to insert the
            // incidence.
            Incidence* position = 
            if (incidencesSet_[I] == 0)
                integer i = I + 1;
                while(i < IncidenceTypes && incidencesSet_[i] == 0)

                if (i < IncidenceTypes)
                    position = partitionSet_[i];
                    position = (Incidence*)&sentinel_;               

            Incidence* prev = position->prev_;

            // Link at the front of the list.
            prev->next_ = incidence;
            incidence->prev_ = prev;

            incidence->next_ = position;
            position->prev_ = incidence;

            // Make this incidence the new head of the list.
            partitionSet_[I] = incidence;

        void release(integer I, Incidence* incidence)
            ASSERT_OP(I, <, IncidenceTypes);
            ASSERT_OP(incidencesSet_[I], >, 0);
            ASSERT(incidence != &sentinel_);

            // Link the incidence off the list.
            Incidence* next = incidence->next_;
            Incidence* prev = incidence->prev_;

            next->prev_ = prev;
            prev->next_ = next;


            // Make sure the partitionSet does not
            // reference 'incidence'.
            if (incidencesSet_[I] == 0)
                partitionSet_[I] = (Incidence*)&sentinel_;
            else if (partitionSet_[I] == incidence)
                partitionSet_[I] = next;

        void erase(integer I, Incidence* incidence)
            release(I, incidence);

            // Delete the incidence.
            delete incidence;

        void move(integer From, integer To,
            Incidence* incidence)
            release(From, incidence);
            insert(To, incidence);

        void erase(integer I)
            Incidence* incidence = partitionSet_[I];
            while(incidence != &sentinel_)
                Incidence* next = incidence->next_;
                erase(I, incidence);
                incidence = next;

        void clear()
            Incidence* sentinel = (Incidence*)&sentinel_;

            // Delete all incidences.
            Incidence* incidence = sentinel->next_;
            while(incidence != sentinel)
                Incidence* next = incidence->next_;
                delete incidence;
                incidence = next;


        void forget()
            // Forget all incidences.
            Incidence* sentinel = (Incidence*)&sentinel_;


            sentinel->next_ = sentinel;
            sentinel->prev_ = sentinel;

       Visual Studio 2015 RC has a bug in that
       we can't use RequiresC<...> = 0 here.
        template <
            integer I,
            typename = RequiresC<(I < IncidenceTypes)>
        Incidence* begin_() const
            return partitionSet_[I];

       Visual Studio 2015 RC has a bug in that
       we can't use RequiresC<...> = 0 here.
        template <
            integer I,
            typename = RequiresC<(I < IncidenceTypes)>
        Incidence* end_() const
            if (incidencesSet_[I] > 0)
                for (integer i = I + 1;i < IncidenceTypes;++i)
                    if (incidencesSet_[i] > 0)
                        return partitionSet_[i];

            return (Incidence*)&sentinel_;

       Visual Studio 2015 RC has a bug in that
       we can't use RequiresC<...> = 0 here.
        template <
            integer I,
            typename = RequiresC<(I < IncidenceTypes)>
        integer incidences_() const
            return incidencesSet_[I];

        //! Partition of incidences into lists of given incidence type.
       Depending on the type of the graph, the 'partitionSet'
       contains either 1 (undirected graph), 2 (directed graph),
       or 3 (mixed graph) components.  In any case, the partitionSet
       denotes three intervals in a looped doubly-linked list of
       incidences (that the Incidences form by their 'next' and 
       'prev' member variables). If incidencesSet[I] > 0, the 
       partitionSet[I] contains the first element of the incidences
       of type I (Incoming, Outgoing, Undirected). The other incidences
       of the same type can be found by following the 'next' fields
       of 'Incidence'. The one-past-end element of the incidences of 
       type I is contained in the partitionSet[J] where J > I is the first 
       incidence type with incidenceSet[J] > 0. If there is no such J,
       the one-past-end element is given by &sentinel_. If 
       incidenceSet[I] = 0, then partitionSet[I] = &sentinel.
        std::array<Incidence*, IncidenceTypes> partitionSet_;
        Incidence_Link sentinel_;

        //! The number of incidences of type I for each I.
        std::array<integer, IncidenceTypes> incidencesSet_;

