
Back to IndexAllocator class


// Description: IndexAllocator class
// Detail: Allocates integer identifiers conservatively


#include "pastel/sys/mytypes.h"
#include <vector>

namespace Pastel

    //! Allocates integer identifiers conservatively.
    class IndexAllocator
        // Using default copy constructor
        // Using default destructor
        // Using default assignment

        //! Default constructor.
       Time complexity: constant
       Exception safety: strong

        //! Standard swap.
       Time complexity: constant
       Exception safety: nothrow
        void swap(IndexAllocator& that);

        //! Deallocates all indices.
       Time complexity: constant
       Exception safety: nothrow
        void clear();

        //! Preallocates memory for indices.
       count >= 0

       Time complexity: linear
       Exception safety: strong
        void reserve(integer count);

        //! Returns the number of allocated indices.
       Time complexity: constant
       Exception safety: nothrow
        integer size() const;

        //! Returns the number of allocatable indices without a reallocation.
       Time complexity: constant
       Exception safety: nothrow
        integer capacity() const;

        //! Checks if an identifier has already been allocated.
       0 <= index < size()

       Time complexity: constant
       Exception safety: nothrow
        bool isAllocated(integer index) const;

        //! Finds the next allocated index.
       0 <= index < size()

       Time complexity: logarithmic
       Exception safety: nothrow
        integer nextIndex(integer index) const;

        //! Allocates a new identifier.
       Time complexity: amortized logarithmic
       Exception safety: strong
        integer allocate();

        //! Deallocates an identifier.
       Time complexity: logarithmic
       Exception safety: nothrow
        void deallocate(integer index);

        bool isLeaf(integer index) const;
        integer leftChild(integer index) const;
        integer rightChild(integer index) const;
        integer parent(integer index) const;
        integer toInternalIndex(integer index) const;
        integer toExternalIndex(integer index) const;

        void grow(integer toGrow);
        void update(integer index);
        integer findFree() const;

        std::vector<bool> data_;
        integer allocated_;
        integer heapHeight_;

    void swap(IndexAllocator& left, IndexAllocator& right);


#include "pastel/sys/indexallocator/indexallocator.hpp"
