
Back to Rational numbers


// Description: Rational number
// Tags: C++11


#include "pastel/sys/integer/integer_concept.h"
#include "pastel/sys/type_traits/and.h"
#include "pastel/sys/type_traits/or.h"
#include "pastel/sys/type_traits/not.h"

#include <boost/operators.hpp>

namespace Pastel

    namespace Rational_

        template <
            typename Integer,
            typename That_Integer>
        using IsInteger =
                std::is_same<That_Integer, Integer>

        template <
            typename Integer,
            typename That_Integer>
        using IsNativeOrInteger =
                IsInteger<Integer, That_Integer>


    enum class Rounding : integer


namespace Pastel

    //! A rational number.
    template <typename Integer_>
    class Rational
        : boost::totally_ordered<Rational<Integer_>
        , boost::field_operators1<Rational<Integer_>
        , boost::unit_steppable<Rational<Integer_>
        > > >
        using Integer = Integer_;

        PASTEL_CONCEPT_CHECK(Integer, Integer_Concept);

        //! Constructs with the value (0 / 1).

        //! Copy-constructs with another number.
        Rational(const Rational& that);

        //! Move-constructs with another number.
        Rational(Rational&& that);

        //! Constructs with infinity.
        template <bool Positive>
        : m_(Positive ? 1 : -1)
        , n_(0)

        //! Constructs with Not-a-Number.
        : m_(0)
        , n_(0)

        // Note in the following the different
        // kinds of constructors. The intent is
        // to identify literals such as 1, 2.3f,
        // 2.3 with Rational numbers. One has to
        // be careful to not create ambiguities 
        // when creating these overloads.

        //! Constructs with the value (wholes / 1).
       Implicit conversion allowed.
        template <
            typename That_Integer,
            Requires<Rational_::IsNativeOrInteger<Integer, That_Integer>> = 0>
        Rational(That_Integer wholes);

        //! Constructs with the value (m / n).
        template <
            typename M_Integer, 
            typename N_Integer,
                Rational_::IsNativeOrInteger<Integer, M_Integer>,
                Rational_::IsNativeOrInteger<Integer, N_Integer>
            > = 0
            M_Integer m,
            N_Integer n);

        //! Constructs with a native floating point number.
       If possible, constructs the rational 
       number m / n subject to
       1) |that - (m / n)| <= maxError,
       2) |n| <= |nMax|,
       3) |n| is minimal.
       If not possible, constructs the rational
       number m / n subject to
       1) |that - (m / n)| is minimal,
       2) |n| <= |nMax|

       Best rational approximation: 
       maxError = 0

       Simplest rational approximation:
       nMax = (Integer)Infinity()

       maxError >= 0
       nMax >= 1
       nMax < (Integer)Infinity()

       maxError (Rational : 0):
       Maximum allowed absolute error below which to
       stop searching. 

       nMax (Integer : (Integer)Infinity() - 1):
       Maximum allowed divisor.

       On normal numbers, as given above.
       On positive overflow, (Rational)Infinity().
       On negative overflow, -(Rational)Infinity().
       On underflow, 0.
        template <
            typename Real,
            typename... ArgumentSet,
            Requires<std::is_floating_point<Real>> = 0>
            Real that,
            ArgumentSet&&... argumentSet);

        //! Assigns another rational number.
        Rational<Integer>& operator=(Rational that);

        //! Swaps two rational numbers.
        void swap(Rational& that);

        //! Sets the value to (m / n).
        void set(
            Integer m,
            Integer n);

        //! Returns the m.
        const Integer& m() const;

        //! Returns the n.
        const Integer& n() const;

        //! Returns an approximating real number.
        template <
            typename Real,
            Requires<std::is_floating_point<Real>> = 0>
        Real asReal() const;

        //! Returns the number as a ratio of integers.
        std::string asStringRatio() const;

        //! Returns a b-base expansion of the number.
       base >= 2
       digits >= 0

       Optional arguments

       base (integer : 10):
       The base to use.

       showBase (bool : false):
       Whether to show the base.

       digits (integer : 3):
       The digits to show for the fractional part.

       shortenExact (bool : true):
       Whether to cut off trailing digits in case
       of an exact number.

       rounding (Rounding : Rouding::RoundUp):
       How to handle rounding.
        template <typename... ArgumentSet>
        std::string asString(
            ArgumentSet&&... argumentSet) const;

        //! Returns whether the number is infinity.
        bool isInfinity() const;

        //! Returns whether the number is not-a-number.
        bool isNan() const;

        //! Returns whether the number is an integer.
        bool isInteger() const;

        //! Returns whether the number is == 0.
        bool isZero() const
            return zero(*this);

        //! Returns whether the number is > 0.
        bool isPositive() const
            return positive(*this);

        //! Returns whether the number is < 0.
        bool isNegative() const
            return negative(*this);

        //! Adds the given number to this number.
        Rational<Integer>& operator+=(Rational that);

        //! Subtracts the given number from this number.
        Rational<Integer>& operator-=(Rational that);

        //! Multiplies this number with the given number.
        Rational<Integer>& operator*=(Rational that);

        //! Divides this number with the given number.
        Rational<Integer>& operator/=(Rational that);

        //! Adds 1 to this number.
        Rational<Integer>& operator++()
            *this += 1;
            return *this;

        //! Subtracts 1 from this number.
        Rational<Integer>& operator--()
            *this -= 1;
            return *this;

        //! Returns the negation of this number.
        Rational<Integer> operator-() const;

        //! Returns this number.
        Rational<Integer> operator+() const;

        // The following operators must be defined as global friends.

        // Note for boost::operators to work the operators must
        // be in this class scope, thus you can't turn them
        // into template functions.
        // If you make these operators member functions,
        // the combination of implicit conversions from integer
        // and Integer and the boost::operators does not work.
        // I suspect it is because the member function
        // operator== and operator< hide the same-named
        // functions in the base class.

        //! Returns if the given number equals this number.
        friend bool operator==(
            const Rational& left,
            const Rational& right)
            return left.equal(right);

        //! Returns if this number is less than the given number.
        friend bool operator<(
            const Rational& left,
            const Rational& right)
            return left.lessThan(right);

        //! Invert the number.
        Rational<Integer>& invert()
            using std::swap;

            swap(m_, n_);
            if (negative(n_))
                // As an invariant, the divisor
                // is always positive. Make it so.
                m_ = -m_;
                n_ = -n_;

            return *this;

        //! Negate the number.
        Rational<Integer>& negate()
            m_ = -m_;
            return *this;

        enum class NumberType : integer

        class SkipSimplify {};

        //! Constructs with the value (m / n).
        Rational(Integer m,
                 Integer n,

        //! Sets the value to (m / n).
        void set(
            Integer m,
            Integer n,

        //! Brings the rational number to a normal form.
       If the number is not NaN (0, 0), then the normal
       form is where gcd(m, n) = 1
       and m >= 0.  The normal form for NaN is 
       NaN itself.
        void simplify();

        NumberType classify() const;

        bool lessThan(const Rational& that) const;
        bool equal(const Rational& that) const;

        Integer m_;
        Integer n_;


#include "pastel/sys/rational/rational.hpp"
#include "pastel/sys/rational/rational_add.hpp"
#include "pastel/sys/rational/rational_as_real.hpp"
#include "pastel/sys/rational/rational_as_string.hpp"
#include "pastel/sys/rational/rational_classify.hpp"
#include "pastel/sys/rational/rational_compare.hpp"
#include "pastel/sys/rational/rational_construct.hpp"
#include "pastel/sys/rational/rational_multiply.hpp"
#include "pastel/sys/rational/rational_real.hpp"
#include "pastel/sys/rational/rational_simplify.hpp"
#include "pastel/sys/rational/rational_stream.h"
