
Back to Refinable partition



#include "pastel/sys/refinable_partition/refinable_partition.h"
#include "pastel/sys/generic/class.h"

// For swap, FIX: replace with utility once C++11 support improves.
#include <algorithm>

namespace Pastel

    template <
        typename ElementData,
        typename SetData>
    class RefinablePartition_Fwd<ElementData, SetData>::Set
        : public SetData_Class
        //! Move-constructs from another set.
       Time complexity: constant
       Exception safety: strong

       FIX: Delete after emplace becomes available in Visual Studio.
        Set(Set&& that)
            : SetData_Class(std::move((SetData_Class&&)that))
            , begin_(std::move(that.begin_))
            , last_(std::move(that.last_))
            , unmarkedBegin_(std::move(that.unmarkedBegin_))
            , split_(std::move(that.split_))
            , elements_(std::move(that.elements_))
            , marked_(std::move(that.marked_))
            , type_(std::move(that.type_))

        //! Assigns to the contained data.
        template <typename Type>
        Set& operator=(Type&& that)
            ((SetData_Class&)*this) = std::forward<Type>(that);
            return *this;

        //! Returns the number of elements.
       Time complexity: constant
       Exception safety: nothrow
        integer elements() const
            return elements_;

        //! Returns the number of marked elements.
       Time complexity: constant
       Exception safety: nothrow
        integer marked() const
            return marked_;

        //! Returns the number of unmarked elements.
       Time complexity: constant
       Exception safety: nothrow
        integer unmarked() const
            return elements_ - marked_;

        //! Returns the first iterator of the members.
       Time complexity: constant
       Exception safety: nothrow
        Member_ConstIterator cbegin() const
            return begin_;

        //! Returns the end-iterator of the members.
       Time complexity: constant
       Exception safety: nothrow
        Member_ConstIterator cend() const
            return elements() > 0 ? std::next(last_) : last_;

        //! Returns the first iterator of the unmarked members.
       Time complexity: constant
       Exception safety: nothrow
        Member_ConstIterator cUnmarkedBegin() const
            return unmarkedBegin_;

        //! Returns the end-iterator of the unmarked members.
       Time complexity: constant
       Exception safety: nothrow
        Member_ConstIterator cUnmarkedEnd() const
            return cend();

        //! Returns the first iterator of the marked members.
       Time complexity: constant
       Exception safety: nothrow
        Member_ConstIterator cMarkedBegin() const
            return cbegin();

        //! Returns the end-iterator of the marked members.
       Time complexity: constant
       Exception safety: nothrow
        Member_ConstIterator cMarkedEnd() const
            return unmarkedBegin_;

        template <typename, typename>
        friend class RefinablePartition;

        template <typename ElementData_, typename SetData_>
        friend class RefinablePartition_Fwd<ElementData_, SetData_>::Element;

        Set() = delete;
        Set(const Set& that) = delete;
        Set& operator=(const Set& that) = delete;

        Set(Member_Iterator begin,
            Member_Iterator end,
            Split_Iterator split,
            integer elements,
            bool type,
            SetData_Class data)
            : SetData_Class(std::move(data))
            , begin_(begin)
            , last_(elements > 0 ? std::prev(end) : end)
            , unmarkedBegin_(begin)
            , split_(split)
            , elements_(elements)
            , marked_(0)
            , type_(type)

        //! Returns the type of the set.
       Time complexity: constant
       Exception safety: nothrow
        bool type() const
            return type_;

        //! Sets the member-set interval.
       elements > 0

       Time complexity: constant
       Exception safety: nothrow
        void set(
            Member_Iterator begin,
            Member_Iterator end,
            integer elements)
            ASSERT_OP(elements, >=, 0);

            begin_ = begin;
            last_ = elements > 0 ? std::prev(end) : end;
            unmarkedBegin_ = begin_;
            elements_ = elements;
            marked_ = 0;

        //! Forgets the elements in the unmarked part.
       marked() > 0

       Time complexity: constant
       Exception safety: nothrow
        void shrinkToMarked()
            ASSERT_OP(marked_, >, 0);

            if (marked_ < elements_)
                // Shrink the set to the marked
                // elements.
                last_ = std::prev(unmarkedBegin_);
                elements_ = marked_;

            // Switch the type of the set
            // so that the elements need not
            // change their type to get
            // unmarked.
            type_ = !type_;

            // Remove marked elements.
            unmarkedBegin_ = begin_;
            marked_ = 0;

        //! Forgets the elements in the marked part.
       marked() < elements()

       Time complexity: constant
       Exception safety: nothrow
        void shrinkToUnmarked()
            ASSERT_OP(marked_, <, elements_);

            // Shrink the set to the unmarked
            // elements.
            begin_ = unmarkedBegin_;
            elements_ -= marked_;

            // Remove marked elements.
            unmarkedBegin_ = begin_;
            marked_ = 0;

        //! Moves an element from unmarked to marked part.
       &*element->set() == this

       Time complexity: constant
       Exception safety: nothrow
        void moveToMarked(
            const Element_Iterator& element)
            ASSERT(&*element->set() == this);

            Element_Iterator& p = *element->member_;
            Element_Iterator& q = *unmarkedBegin_;

            // Swap the first unmarked element with
            // the element to be marked.
            std::swap(p, q);
            std::swap(p->member_, q->member_);

            // Then extend the marked region to
            // cover the given element.

            // Mark the element.

        //! Moves an element from marked to unmarked part.
       &*element->set_ == this

       Time complexity: constant
       Exception safety: nothrow
        void moveToUnmarked(
            const Element_Iterator& element)
            ASSERT(&*element->set_ == this);

            // Shrink the marked region to
            // exclude the given element.

            Element_Iterator& p = *element->member_;
            Element_Iterator& q = *unmarkedBegin_;

            // Swap the last marked element with
            // the element to be unmarked.
            std::swap(p, q);
            std::swap(p->member_, q->member_);

            // Unmark the element.

        //! Updates the element's set-reference.
       &*set == this

       Time complexity: O(set->elements())
       Exception safety: nothrow
        void updateElements(
            Set_Iterator set)
            ASSERT(&*set == this);

            auto memberEnd = cend();
            for (auto member = begin_; 
                member != memberEnd; 
                (*member)->set_ = set;
                ASSERT((*member)->type_ == type_);

        //! Inserts an element into the set.
       &*element->set_ == this

       Time complexity: constant
       Exception safety: nothrow
        void insertUnmarked(
            const Element_ConstIterator& element)
            ASSERT(&*element->set_ == this);

            Member_Iterator member =

            if (elements_ == 0)
                begin_ = member;
                unmarkedBegin_ = member;
                marked_ = 0;
                ASSERT(std::prev(member) == last_);

            last_ = member;

        //! Removes an element from the set.
       &*element->set_ == this

       Time complexity: constant
       Exception safety: nothrow
        void erase(
            const Element_ConstIterator& element,
            const Member_Iterator& memberEnd)
            ASSERT(&*element->set_ == this);

            Member_Iterator member =

            if (elements_ == 0)
                begin_ = memberEnd;
                last_ = memberEnd;
                unmarkedBegin_ = begin_;
            else if (member == begin_)
            else if (member == last_)

        //! The first iterator of the member-set.
        Member_Iterator begin_;

        //! The last iterator of the member-set.
       We need to store the last iterator rather than
       the end-iterator, because otherwise removing a
       set could invalidate the end-iterator of another
       set. In elements_ = 0, then begin_ = last_ = 
       unmarkedBegin_ = end-iterator.
        Member_Iterator last_;

        //! The first iterator of the unmarked member-set.
        Member_Iterator unmarkedBegin_;

        //! If the set is in the split set, an iterator to that.
       This iterator is needed so that when the number of
       marked elements goes to zero, the set can be removed
       from the split set in constant time.
        Split_Iterator split_;

        //! The number of elements in the set.
       This number needs to be tracked because all the
       iterators are bidirectional.
        integer elements_;

        //! The number of marked elements in the set.
       This number needs to be tracked because all the
       iterators are bidirectional.
        integer marked_;

        //! The type of the set.
       An element is marked if and only if its type 
       differs from the type of its containing set.
        bool type_;

