
Back to Deterministic skip list



#include "pastel/sys/skiplist.h"
#include "pastel/sys/math/rounding.h"
#include "pastel/sys/math/logarithm.h"

namespace Pastel

    template <typename SkipList_Settings>
    const typename SkipList_Settings::Key& 
        SkipList<SkipList_Settings>::nodeKey(Node* node) const
        ASSERT(node != end_);
        return ((Data_Node*)node)->key();

    template <typename SkipList_Settings>
    void SkipList<SkipList_Settings>::returnMemory(LinkSet&& linkSet)
        // The physical size is the node's height rounded up
        // to the next power of two. 
        integer physicalSize = roundUpToPowerOfTwo(linkSet.size());

        // The `allocatedSet_[i]` stores link-sets of size 2^i.
        integer i = integerLog2(physicalSize);

        if (!allocatedSet_[i])
            allocatedSet_[i] = std::move(linkSet);
            // A link-set of the given size is already in
            // the cache. Deallocate the memory.

    template <typename SkipList_Settings>
    void SkipList<SkipList_Settings>::deallocateNode(Node* node)
        ASSERT_OP(node->height(), <= , 2);

        // Return the link-set memory.

        // Delete the node.
        delete node;

    template <typename SkipList_Settings>
    void SkipList<SkipList_Settings>::linkSkipLevels(Node* node)
        ASSERT(node != end_);

        integer height = node->height();

        Node* prev = node;
        for (integer i = 1;i < height;++i)
            // We will find the predecessors 
            // at each skip-level...
            prev = findPrevious(prev, i);

            // ... and then link the 
            // node between the predecessor and its
            // successor.
            Node* next = prev->link(i)[Next];
            link(prev, node, i);
            link(node, next, i);

    template <typename SkipList_Settings>
    SkipList_::Node* SkipList<SkipList_Settings>::findPrevious(Node* node, integer level) const
        ASSERT(node != end_);
        ASSERT_OP(level, >=, 1);

        // Find the representative of the 
        // previous node.
        node = node->link(0)[Prev]->repr();

        // Find the first node on the left that
        // links through 'node' on 'level'.
        while(node != end_ &&
            node->height() <= level)
            node = node->link(node->height() - 1)[Prev];

        return node;

    template <typename SkipList_Settings>
    template <bool Direction>
    integer SkipList<SkipList_Settings>::equalLevels(Node* node) const
        integer level = node->height() - 1;

        integer equals = 0;
        while (true)
            Node* next = node->link(level)[Direction];
            if (next == end_ ||
                next->height() != node->height())

            node = next;

        return equals;

    template <typename SkipList_Settings>
    SkipList_::Node* SkipList<SkipList_Settings>::findMiddleOfEqualLevels(Node* node)
        integer equalsOnLeft = equalLevels<false>(node);
        integer equalsOnRight = equalLevels<true>(node);
        integer equals = equalsOnLeft + equalsOnRight + 1;
        ASSERT_OP(equals, <=, 3);

        if (equals < 3)
            // There are no three subsequent nodes
            // with the same level.
            return 0;

        // The skip-list contains three subsequent
        // elements on 'node's level. 
        integer level = node->height() - 1;

        // Find out the middle of those.
        Node* middle = 0;
        case 0:
            middle = node->link(level)[Prev];
        case 1:
            middle = node;
        case 2:
            middle = node->link(level)[Next];

        return middle;

    template <typename SkipList_Settings>
    SkipList_::Node* SkipList<SkipList_Settings>::nodeLowerBound(
        const Key& key,
        const ConstIterator& hint) const
        // Get the representative for 'hint'.
        Node* node = ((Node*)hint.base())->repr();

        // When hint == cend(), the search direction is 
        // from end to beginning.
        bool direction = false;
        if (node != end_)
            // Otherwise we will choose the direction which
            // minimizes the distance from 'hint' to 'key'.

            if (Less()(nodeKey(node), key))
                // Failing this invariant means that
                // Less() is not a strict weak order;
                // this is an error in the user's code.
                bool isStrictWeakOrder = 
                    !Less()(key, nodeKey(node));

                // The 'key' is to the right of 'hint'. 
                direction = true;
            else if (Less()(key, nodeKey(node)))
                // The 'key' is to the left from 'hint'.
                direction = false;
                // The 'key' is equivalent to 'hint'.
                // The hint iterator is correct.
                Node* lowerBound = node;
                return lowerBound;

        auto validMove = [&](integer level)
            Node* next = node->link(level)[direction];
            // We call 'next' an overshoot, if
            // 1) it is the sentinel node,
            // 2) it is not the sentinel node, and 
            // 'key' is smaller than the key of 'next',
            // 3) it is not the sentinel node, and
            // 'key' is equivalent to the key of 'next'.
            bool overshoots = (next == end_ ||
                Less()(nodeKey(next), key) != direction);
            return !overshoots;

        // We know that 'node' is a representative.
        // Therefore it contains level-1 links.
        integer level = 1;

        // Ascend towards the key.
            integer overshootLevel = level;
            while (overshootLevel < node->height() && validMove(overshootLevel))

            if (overshootLevel == level)
                // The link overshoots on all levels up
                // from 'level'. Start descending.

            level = overshootLevel - 1;
            node = node->link(level)[direction];

        ASSERT_OP(level, >, 0);

        // Descend towards the key.
            while(level > 0 && !validMove(level))

            if (level == 0)
                // The link overshoots on all levels up from 1.

            node = node->link(level)[direction];

        if (direction)
            // The next node gives the lower-bound.
            node = node->link(1)[direction];

        return node;

    template <typename SkipList_Settings>
    SkipList_::Node* SkipList<SkipList_Settings>::nodeUpperBound(
        const Key& key,
        const ConstIterator& hint) const
        Node* lowerBound = nodeLowerBound(key, hint);

        if (lowerBound == end_)
            // If the key does not have a lower-bound,
            // then it does not have an upper-bound 
            // either.
            return end_;

        Node* upperBound = lowerBound;
        if (!Less()(key, nodeKey(upperBound)))
            // The lower bound is equivalent to the
            // key. Therefore the upper-bound is given 
            // by the next unique key. Since 
            // 'lowerBound' is a representative,
            // it is linked on level 1, which
            // directly gives the node with the
            // next unique key.
            upperBound = upperBound->link(1)[Next];
            // Since the lower-bound is not equivalent
            // to the key, it is also an upper-bound.

        return upperBound;

    template <typename SkipList_Settings>
    void SkipList<SkipList_Settings>::link(Node* left, Node* right, integer i)
        left->link(i)[Next] = right;
        right->link(i)[Prev] = left;


namespace Pastel

    template <typename SkipList_Settings>
    std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const SkipList<SkipList_Settings>& list)
        using ConstIterator = typename SkipList<SkipList_Settings>::ConstIterator;

        for (integer i = list.height() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
            ConstIterator node = list.cbegin();
            while (node != list.cend())
                if (i == 0)
                    stream << node.key();
                    stream << " ";
                else if (i < node.height())
                    stream << "| ";
                    stream << "  ";

            stream << std::endl;

        return stream;

