
Back to Vectors


// Description: Algorithms for Vectors


#include "pastel/sys/mytypes.h"
#include "pastel/sys/vector/vector.h"
#include "pastel/sys/tuple/tuple_tools.h"

#include <vector>
#include <iostream>

namespace Pastel

    template <typename Real, integer N, typename Expression>
    std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream,
        const VectorExpression<Real, N, Expression>& vector);

    template <typename Real, integer N>
    std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& stream,
        Vector<Real, N>& vector);

    //! Returns the sum of elements.

    template <typename Real, integer N, typename Expression>
    inline Real sum(const VectorExpression<Real, N, Expression>& x);

    //! Returns the product of elements.

    template <typename Real, integer N, typename Expression>
    inline Real product(const VectorExpression<Real, N, Expression>& x);

    //! Returns the 'index'th natural basis axis.
   N != Dynamic
   index >= 0 && index < N

    template <
        typename Real,
        integer N>
    class VectorUnitAxis;

    template <typename Real, integer N>
    inline VectorUnitAxis<Real, N> unitAxis(integer index);

    //! Returns the 'index'th natural basis axis.
   index >= 0 && index < dimension
   dimension > 0

    template <typename Real, integer N>
    inline VectorUnitAxis<Real, N> unitAxis(
        integer dimension, integer index);

    //! Returns a subsequence of a vector.

    template <typename Real, integer N, typename Expression>
    inline Vector<Real, ModifyN<N, N - 1>::Result> shrink(
        const VectorExpression<Real, N, Expression>& that);

    template <typename Real, integer N, typename Expression>
    inline Vector<Real, ModifyN<N, N - 1>::Result> shrink(
        const VectorExpression<Real, N, Expression>& that,
        integer index);

    template <
        typename Real,
        integer N,
        typename Expression>
    class VectorExtend;

    //! Returns an N + 1 vector appended from the left.

    template <typename Real, integer N, typename Expression>
    inline VectorExtend<Real, N, Expression> extend(
        const NoDeduction<Real>& left,
        const VectorExpression<Real, N, Expression>& right);

    //! Returns an N + 1 vector appended from the right.

    template <typename Real, integer N, typename Expression>
    inline VectorExtend<Real, N, Expression> extend(
        const VectorExpression<Real, N, Expression>& left,
        const NoDeduction<Real>& right);

    //! Returns an N + 1 vector appended from a given position.

    template <typename Real, integer N, typename Expression>
    inline VectorExtend<Real, N, Expression> extend(
        const VectorExpression<Real, N, Expression>& left,
        const NoDeduction<Real>& right,
        integer index);

    //! Returns the dot product of a vector with itself.
   The dot product is given by:
   dot(that) = sum(that[i] * that[i])

    template <typename Real, integer N,
        typename Expression>
        inline Real dot(
        const VectorExpression<Real, N, Expression>& that);

    //! Returns the dot product between vectors.
   The dot product is given by:
   dot(left, right) = sum(left[i] * right[i])

    template <typename Real, integer LeftN, integer RightN,
        typename LeftExpression, typename RightExpression>
        inline Real dot(
        const VectorExpression<Real, LeftN, LeftExpression>& left,
        const VectorExpression<Real, RightN, RightExpression>& right);

    //! Returns the norm bijection of a vector.
    template <typename Real, integer N, typename Expression, 
        typename NormBijection>
    Real norm2(const VectorExpression<Real, N, Expression>& that,
        const NormBijection& normBijection);

    //! Returns the Euclidean norm of a vector.
   The Euclidean (L2) norm is:
   norm_2(that) := sqrt(sum(that[i]^2))

    template <
        typename Real, 
        integer N, 
        typename Expression,
        RequiresC<(N > 1 || N == Dynamic)> = 0>
    Real norm(const VectorExpression<Real, N, Expression>& that);

    //! Returns the Euclidean (L2) norm of a vector.
   The Euclidean (L2) norm is:
   norm_2(that) := sqrt(sum(that[i]^2))

    template <
        typename Real, 
        integer N, 
        typename Expression,
        RequiresC<(N == 1)> = 0>
    Real norm(const VectorExpression<Real, 1, Expression>& that);

    //! Returns the Manhattan (L1) norm of a vector.
   The Manhattan (L1) norm is:
   norm_1(that) := sum(abs(that[i]))

    template <typename Real, integer N, typename Expression>
    inline Real manhattanNorm(
        const VectorExpression<Real, N, Expression>& that);

    //! Returns the p:th-power of the Lp norm of a vector.
   powerSum(that) := sum(abs(that[i])^p)

    template <typename Real, integer N, typename Expression>
    inline Real powerSum(
        const VectorExpression<Real, N, Expression>& that,
        const NoDeduction<Real>& metric);

    //! Returns the Lp norm of a vector.
   metric >= 1

   The Lp norm is:
   norm_p(that) := powerSum(that)^(1/p)

   Note: the function norm_p is not a norm
   for p e ]0, 1[.

    template <typename Real, integer N, typename Expression>
    inline Real minkowskiNorm(
        const VectorExpression<Real, N, Expression>& that,
        const NoDeduction<Real>& metric);

    //! Returns the max norm of a vector.
   The max norm is
   norm_max(that) := max(abs(that[i])).

    template <typename Real, integer N, typename Expression>
    inline Real maxNorm(
        const VectorExpression<Real, N, Expression>& that);

    //! Returns the corresponding unit vector (Euclidean norm).
   norm(that) > 0
    template <typename Real, integer N>
    inline Vector<Real, N> normalize(
        const Vector<Real, N>& that);

    template <typename Real, integer N, typename Expression>
    inline Vector<Real, N> normalize(
        const VectorExpression<Real, N, Expression>& that);

    //! Returns a clockwise perpendicular to the given vector in 2D.

    template <typename Real, integer N, typename Expression>
    Vector<Real, 2> cross(
        const VectorExpression<Real, N, Expression>& that);

    //! Returns the cross product of two vectors in 3D.

    template <typename Real, integer N, typename ExpressionX,
    typename ExpressionY>
    Vector<Real, 3> cross(
        const VectorExpression<Real, N, ExpressionX>& x,
        const VectorExpression<Real, N, ExpressionY>& y);


#include "pastel/sys/vector/array_vectorexpression.h"
#include "pastel/sys/vector/unary_vectorexpression.h"
#include "pastel/sys/vector/binary_vectorexpression.h"

#include "pastel/sys/vector/vector_tools_more.h"

#include "pastel/sys/vector/vector_tools.hpp"
#include "pastel/sys/vector/vector_tools_more.hpp"
