% Searches for k nearest neighbors in a kd-tree.
% [neighborSet, distanceSet] = search_nearest(querySet, 'key', value, ...)
% where
% QUERYSET is a numeric array which contains the query points.
% If the array is of type single or double, and of extent d x n,
% then each column is taken to contain the coordinates of a
% d-dimensional point, where d is the dimension of the KDTREE, with
% QUERYSET containing n query points. If the array is of integer type,
% and contains n elements, then the linearization of QUERYSET is taken
% to contain n ids of points in the KDTREE. When the query is by an id,
% the query point will not match as a nearest neighbor of itself.
% Optional input arguments in 'key'-value pairs:
% KNEAREST ('kNearest') is a positive integer which specifies the
% number of nearest neighbors to search.
% Default: 1
% MAXDISTANCESET ('maxDistanceSet') is a numeric array with n
% elements whose linearization contains the maximum allowed (open)
% distance for the neighbors of each query point. For the euclidean
% norm the distance is specified as squared-distance. A scalar M
% is automatically extended to ones(1, n) * M. Use Inf for no restrictions.
% Default: Inf
% NORM ('norm') is a string which specifies the norm to use.
% Must be one of
% euclidean: the euclidean norm (default)
% maximum: the maximum norm
% Return values
% -------------
% NEIGHBORSET is an (n x k) non-negative integer array, which at (i, j)
% contains the j:th nearest neighbor of querySet(i). The value 0
% denotes a missing neighbor.
% DISTANCESET is an (n x k) real array, which at (i, j) contains the
% squared-distance of the i:th point in QUERYSET to its j:th neighbor.
% The value Inf denotes a missing neighbor.
% Description: Searches for k nearest neighbors in a kd-tree.
% DocumentationOf: PointKdTree.m
function [neighborSet, distanceSet] = search_nearest(...
self, querySet, varargin)
% Optional input arguments
kNearest = 1;
maxDistanceSet = Inf;
norm = 'euclidean';
'norm'}, ...
maxDistanceSet, 'real_matrix', ...
norm, 'string', ...
kNearest, 'integer', ...
kNearest, 'positive');
if isinteger(querySet)
n = numel(querySet);
n = size(querySet, 2);
if isscalar(maxDistanceSet)
maxDistanceSet = ones(1, n) * maxDistanceSet;
[neighborSet, distanceSet] = pastelgeometrymatlab(...
'pointkdtree_search_nearest', ...
self.kdTree, querySet, ...
maxDistanceSet, kNearest, ...