
Back to Point kd-tree


// Description: Point kd-tree
// Documentation: pointkdtree.txt


#include "pastel/geometry/pointkdtree/pointkdtree_concepts.h"
#include "pastel/geometry/pointkdtree/pointkdtree_fwd.h"
#include "pastel/geometry/pointkdtree/pointkdtree_node.h"
#include "pastel/geometry/pointkdtree/pointkdtree_cursor.h"
#include "pastel/geometry/splitrules.h"

#include "pastel/sys/mytypes.h"
#include "pastel/sys/tristate.h"
#include "pastel/sys/output/output_concept.h"
#include "pastel/sys/set/set_concept.h"
#include "pastel/sys/set/interval_set.h"
#include "pastel/sys/locator/transform_locator.h"

#include "pastel/geometry/shape/alignedbox.h"

#include <boost/mpl/if.hpp>

namespace Pastel

    template <typename Settings>
    using Empty_PointKdTree_Customization = 

    //! Point kd-tree
    template <
        typename Settings,
        template <typename> class Customization = Empty_PointKdTree_Customization>
    class PointKdTree
        PASTEL_CONCEPT_CHECK(Settings, PointKdTree_Settings_Concept);

        using Fwd = PointKdTree_Fwd<Settings>;

        static constexpr integer N = Fwd::N;





        //! Constructs an empty tree.
       Exception safety:

       Time complexity:
        explicit PointKdTree(
            const Locator& locator = Locator(),
            bool simulateKdTree = false);

        //! Move-constructs from another tree.
        PointKdTree(PointKdTree&& that);

        //! Copy-constructs from another tree.
       Exception safety:

       Time complexity:
       O(that.points() * thatDepth + that.nodes())
        PointKdTree(const PointKdTree& that);

        //! Destructs the tree.
       Exception safety:

       Time complexity:

        //! Assigns another tree.
       Exception safety:
        PointKdTree& operator=(const PointKdTree& that);

        //! Swaps two trees.
       Exception safety:
        void swap(PointKdTree& that);

        //! Returns the locator.
       Exception safety:
        const Locator& locator() const;

        //! Extends the bounding box of the tree to cover the given box.
       Exception safety:
       strong (FIX: make it nothrow)
        void reserveBound(const AlignedBox<Real, N>& boxToCover);

        //! Returns the bounding box of the tree.
       Exception safety:
        const AlignedBox<Real, N>& bound() const;

        //! Returns true if there are no points in the tree.
       Time complexity:

       Exception safety:
        bool empty() const;

        //! Returns the root node of the tree.
       Exception safety:
        Cursor root() const;

        //! Returns an iterator to the beginning of the point list.
       Exception safety:
        Point_ConstIterator begin() const;

        //! Returns an iterator to the end of the point list.
       Exception safety:
        Point_ConstIterator end() const;

        //! Returns an iterator range to the point list.
       Exception safety:
        Point_ConstRange range() const;

        //! Returns an iterator to the beginning of the hidden point list.
       Exception safety:
        Point_ConstIterator hiddenBegin() const;

        //! Returns an iterator to the end of the hidden point list.
       Exception safety:
        Point_ConstIterator hiddenEnd() const;

        //! Returns an iterator range to the hidden point list.
       Exception safety:
        Point_ConstRange hiddenRange() const;

        //! Adapts an iterator to referencing the points themselves.
        PointData_ConstIterator asPointData(
            const Point_ConstIterator& iter) const;

        //! Adapts a range to referencing the points themselves.
        PointData_ConstRange asPointData(
            const Point_ConstRange& range) const;

        //! Returns the underlying point-set.
       The point of the point-set is a Point_ConstIterator.
        decltype(auto) pointSetSet() const
            return intervalSet(begin(), end());

        decltype(auto) pointSetLocator() const
            // Since the user-defined locator
            // works only for user-defined points, 
            // we need to adapt it to work with
            // ConstIterators.
            return transformLocator<Point_ConstIterator>(
                [](const Point_ConstIterator& iPoint)
                    return iPoint->point();

        //! Returns the number of nodes in the tree.
       Exception safety:

       This number includes both intermediate nodes
       and leaf nodes.
        integer nodes() const;

        //! Returns the number of leaf nodes in the tree.
       Exception safety:
        integer leaves() const;

        //! Returns the number of points in the tree.
       Exception safety:
        integer points() const;

        //! Returns the dimension of the tree.
       Exception safety:
        integer n() const;

        //! Subdivides the tree.
       This operation is always immediate. The tree will be
       up to date after this operation.
        template <typename SplitRule = SlidingMidpoint2_SplitRule>
        void refine(
            const SplitRule& splitRule = SplitRule(),
            integer bucketSize = 8);

        //! Insert a point into the tree.
        Point_ConstIterator insert(
            const Point& point, 
            bool hidden = false);

        //! Insert points into the tree.
       Exception safety:

       A set of elements convertible to a Point.

       Optional arguments

       report (Output_Concept(ConstIterator) : nullOutput()):
       An output to report the Point_ConstIterators
       of the inserted points.

       hidden (bool : false):
       Whether the points should be inserted as 
       hidden points or not.
        template <
            typename PointId_Set,
            typename... ArgumentSet,
                Models<PointId_Set, Set_Concept>
            > = 0
        void insertSet(
            const PointId_Set& pointSet, 
            ArgumentSet&&... argumentSet);

        //! Removes a point from the tree.
        void erase(const Point_ConstIterator& iter);

        //! Removes a set of points from the tree.
        template <typename Point_ConstIterator_ConstRange>
        void erase(const Point_ConstIterator_ConstRange& pointSet);

        //! Hides all points in the tree.
        void hide();

        //! Hides a point in the tree.
        void hide(const Point_ConstIterator& iter);

        //! Shows all hided points in the tree.
        void show();

        //! Shows a hided point in the tree.
        void show(const Point_ConstIterator& iter);

        //! Clears off subdivision and points.
       Exception safety:
        void clear();

        //! Clears the points but leaves the subdivision intact.
       Exception safety:
        void erase(bool eraseHidden = true);

        //! Clears the points in a subtree but leaves subdivision intact.
        void erase(const Cursor& cursor, bool eraseHidden = true);

        //! Collapses the tree into a single leaf node.
        void merge();

        //! Collapse a subtree into a leaf node.
        void merge(const Cursor& cursor);

        //! Converts time to a cascading index.
       This function is solely for compatibility so that
       the interface is similar enough to the temporal kd-tree
       for the same nearest neighbor search to work for both.
        integer timeToIndex(const Real& time) const
            return 0;

        //! Allocates the root node etc.
        void initialize();

        //! Copy constructs a subtree.
        void copyConstruct(
            Node* thisNode,
            Node* thatNode);

        //! Allocate a leaf node.
        Node* allocateLeaf(
            Node* parent,
            const Point_ConstIterator& first,
            const Point_ConstIterator& last,
            integer points);

        //! Runs destructors for all nodes of a subtree.
        void destructSubtree(Node* node);

        //! Compute a bounding box for points.
        AlignedBox<Real, N> computeBound(
            const Point_ConstIterator& begin, 
            const Point_ConstIterator& end) const;

        //! Compute a bounding box for points.
        std::pair<Real, Real> computeBound(
            const Point_ConstIterator& begin, 
            const Point_ConstIterator& end,
            integer axis) const;

        //! Collapse a subtree into a leaf node.
        void merge(Node* node);

        //! Deallocate the nodes of a subtree.
        void clear(Node* node);

        //! Sets the leaf nodes of a range of points.
        void setLeaf(
            const Point_ConstIterator& begin,
            const Point_ConstIterator& end,
            Node* node);

        //! Remove points under a subtree.
        void erase(Node* node);

        //! Clear point ranges in a subtree, and set bucket nodes.
       Note points are not actually removed. Use erase()
       for this. This is actually foremost a helper function for
        void clearPoints(Node* node);

        //! Updates hierarchical bound information.
        void updateBounds(Node* node, const AlignedBox<Real, N>& bound);

        //! Updates the hierarchical information in a node.
        void updateHierarchical(Node* node);

        //! Updates the nodes in a subtree.
        void updateDownwards(Node* node);

        //! Updates the path to the root.
       With lazy updates, this means invalidating the nodes.
       With immediate updates, this means updating hierarchical
        void updateUpwards(Node* node);

        //! Subdivides a leaf node with the given plane.
       1) node->leaf() == true
       2) 'node' points to a node in this tree.
       3) 0 <= splitAxis < n()

       Exception safety:

       A leaf node of the tree to subdivide.

       Signed distance of the splitting plane from the origin.

       Index of the standard basis axis to use for
       the splitting plane normal.
        void subdivide(
            Node* node,
            const Real& splitPosition,
            integer splitAxis,
            const Real& prevMin,
            const Real& prevMax);

        //! Inserts new points at the end of the pointSet_.
       Also updates the bounding box.

       A set of Points to insert.

       The first Point_Iterator of the inserted points in
        template <
            typename PointId_Set,
                Models<PointId_Set, Set_Concept>
            > = 0
        auto copyToEnd(
            const PointId_Set& pointSet, 
            bool hidden)
            -> Point_Iterator;

        //! Propagates new points to leaf nodes.
       1) [first, last] is an inclusive iterator range in 'pointSet_'.
       2) count > 0

       The node to which recursively insert the points.

       first, last:
       The iterator range [first, last] contains the
       new points to insert.

       The number of points in [first, last].

       This will be filled with the minimum bounding
       box for the new points.
       If the node is an intermediate node,
       this function reorders 'pointSet_'
       in the given range so that the points
       going to the left node are listed
       before those going to the right node.
       This reordering is done by splicing
       so no copying of points is involved. 
       The function then recurses to both nodes.

       If the node is a leaf node,
       the given range is spliced to the correct
       position such that all points of a leaf node
       are listed sequentially.
        void insert(
            Node* node,
            const Point_Iterator& first, 
            const Point_Iterator& last,
            integer count,
            AlignedBox<Real, N>& bound);

        //! Subdivides the tree using the given subdivision rule.
       allLessEqual(minBound, maxBound)
        template <typename SplitRule>
        void refine(
            Node* node,
            AlignedBox<Real, N>& bound,
            const SplitRule& splitRule,
            integer depth,
            integer bucketSize);

        //! Actually inserts points into the tree.
        void commitInsertion();

        //! Actually removes a point from the tree.
        void commitErase(const Point_ConstIterator& iter);

        //! Actually hides a point in the tree.
        void commitHide(const Point_ConstIterator& iter);

        //! Actually shows a point in the tree.
        void commitShow(const Point_ConstIterator& iter);

        //! Sets the given points hidden.
        void setHidden(
            const Point_ConstIterator& begin,
            const Point_ConstIterator& end,
            bool hidden);

        //! The set of visible points. 
       This set is ordered such that the points of each leaf 
       node are positioned sequentially in a range, and for a 
       split node the points in a left node are always listed 
       before those in a right node.
        PointSet pointSet_;

        //! The set of hidden points.
       This set contains all the points in the tree which 
       are not visible in nodes. The points in this set may 
       or may not have an associated node. 
        PointSet hiddenSet_;

        //! The set of points waiting for insertion.
       These points will be inserted during the next 'update()' call.
       The points in this set do not have an associated node. 
        PointSet insertionSet_;

        //! Allocates memory for the nodes of the tree.
       Because all nodes are of the same size, we can provide 
       for extremely fast node allocation via a specialized 
        NodeAllocator nodeAllocator_;

        //! The root node of the tree.
        Node* root_;

        //! The number of leaf nodes in the tree.
        integer leaves_;

        //! The point abstraction.
        Locator locator_;

        //! A bounding box for the points in the tree.
       This box is not necessary of minimum extent, since 
       the bound is updated only on insertion (i.e., no 
       shrinking is done on removal).
        AlignedBox<Real, N> bound_;

        //! Whether to act like a kd-tree.
       When false, the behaviour is to compute the 
       empty space around the splitting plane, so that
       it can be skipped. A kd-tree does not do this.
        bool simulateKdTree_;


namespace Pastel 

    template <typename Locator_>
    struct PointKdTree_Settings
        using Locator = Locator_;


#include "pastel/geometry/pointkdtree/pointkdtree.hpp"
#include "pastel/geometry/pointkdtree/pointkdtree_depth.h"
#include "pastel/geometry/pointkdtree/pointkdtree_equivalent.h"
#include "pastel/geometry/pointkdtree/pointkdtree_invariants.h"
#include "pastel/geometry/pointkdtree/pointkdtree_private.hpp"
#include "pastel/geometry/pointkdtree/pointkdtree_search_range.h"
#include "pastel/geometry/pointkdtree/pointkdtree_splitpredicate.h"

#include "pastel/geometry/splitrules.h"
