Nilsson-Kleijn estimator

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The Nilsson-Kleijn differential entropy estimator is a non-parametric estimator based on nearest neighbors of a sample set.



Using Matlab:

>> A = randn(5, 10000);
>> [H1, d1] = differential_entropy_nk({[A]})
H1 = 7.0408
d1 = 5
>> [H2, d2] = differential_entropy_nk({[A;A]})
H2 = 8.7742
d2 = 5  
>> [H3, d3] = differential_entropy_nk({[A;A] * sqrt(0.5)})
H3 = 7.0498
d3 = 5

Notice how the intrinsic dimensionality of [A;A] is 5 although the dimension of the point set is 10. You might have expected H1 to equal H2. The reason why they are not equal is that creating the joint signal [A;A] expands the distances between points by sqrt(2) (in this particular case). This is taken into account when computing H3 to give an answer consistent with H1.


On the Estimation of Differential Entropy From Data Located on Embedded Manifolds,
Mattias Nilsson, W. Bastiaan Kleijn,
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 53, No. 7, July 2007.


Differential entropy estimation

Nilsson-Kleijn manifold nearest neighbor estimator

Differential entropy estimation

Nilsson-Kleijn manifold nearest neighbor estimator
