
Back to SignalPointSet class


// Description: SignalPointSet class
// Detail: Models a semi-dynamic point set


#include "tim/core/mytypes.h"
#include "tim/core/signal.h"

#include <pastel/geometry/pointkdtree/pointkdtree.h>

#include <pastel/sys/range.h>
#include <pastel/sys/array/array.h>
#include <pastel/sys/locator/pointer_locator.h>

#include <vector>
#include <deque>

namespace Tim

    //! SignalPointSet class
    class TIM SignalPointSet
        using Settings = PointKdTree_Settings<Pointer_Locator<dreal>>;
        typedef PointKdTree<Settings> KdTree;
        typedef KdTree::Point_ConstIterator Point_ConstIterator;
        typedef KdTree::Point Point;

        typedef std::vector<Point_ConstIterator> PointSet;
        typedef PointSet::const_iterator Point_ConstIterator_Iterator;

        SignalPointSet() = default;

        //! Constructs using the given ensemble of signals.
        template <ranges::forward_range Signal_Range>
        explicit SignalPointSet(
            const Signal_Range& signalSet);

        SignalPointSet(const SignalPointSet& that) = delete;

        SignalPointSet(SignalPointSet&& that);

        //! Constructs using given subdimensions and initial time-window.
       dimensionBegin <= dimensionEnd
       dimensionBegin >= 0
       dimensionEnd <= std::begin(signalSet)->dimension()

       The subdimension integer interval is
       given by [dimensionBegin, dimensionEnd[. If 'startFull' is true,
       then initially all samples are contained in the time-window.
       Otherwise no samples are initially contained in the time-window.
        template <ranges::forward_range Signal_Range>
            const Signal_Range& signalSet,
            integer dimensionBegin,
            integer dimensionEnd);

        //! Swaps the contents of two SignalPointSet's.
       Time complexity: constant
        void swap(SignalPointSet& that);

        //! Copies the contents of another SignalPointSet.
        SignalPointSet& operator=(SignalPointSet that);

        //! Set the time-window.
       tNewBegin <= tNewEnd

       The more the old time-window and the new time-window
       overlap, the less work needs to be done.
        void setTimeWindow(integer tNewBegin, integer tNewEnd);

        //! Returns a non-mutable reference to the multi-resolution kd-tree.
        const KdTree& kdTree() const;

        //! First iterator to set of points currently in the window.
        Point_ConstIterator_Iterator begin() const;

        //! One-past-last iterator to set of points currently in the window.
        Point_ConstIterator_Iterator end() const;

        //! Returns the beginning time of the current time-window.
       The interval of the time-window is given by [windowBegin(), windowEnd()[.
        integer windowBegin() const;

        //! Returns the one-past-last time of the current time-window.
       The interval of the time-window is given by [windowBegin(), windowEnd()[.
        integer windowEnd() const;

        //! Returns the total number of points in the point set.
        integer samples() const;

        //! Returns the dimension of the point set.
       Note that the dimension of the point set is not
       necessarily the same as the dimension of the input
       signals. This is because you can choose a subinterval
       of the dimensions in construction.
        integer dimension() const;

        //! Returns the dimension offset of the signal data.
       Using a dimension offset allows you to select a subrange
       of the dimensions of a signal.
        integer dimensionBegin() const;

        //! Returns a vector that corresponds to a given point.
        VectorD point(const Point& object) const;

        // Extracts points from the given ensemble of signals.
       Each point is a pointer to the beginning of its coordinate
       data. These pointers are placed in 'pointSet_'.
        template <ranges::forward_range Signal_Range>
        void createPointSet(
            const Signal_Range& signalSet);

        void hide(
            const AlignedBox<integer, 1>& range);

        void show(
            const AlignedBox<integer, 1>& range);

       A multi-resolution kd-tree that has been subdivided with
       all available points but which only contains the points
       in the time-window at any time instant. Note multi-resolution
       kd-tree adapts itself automatically to smaller number of points.

       Contains the ensemble of signals that are the input 

       Contains a set of pointers with each pointer pointing
       to the beginning of point coordinate data. This set represents
       the set of all available points without culling by a 
       time-window. Note that kdTree_ uses a PointPolicy
       in which the point is a const dreal*. This container is
       needed to insert points when the time-window is moved.

       Contains the number of samples that are considered
       for each signal.

       windowBegin_, windowEnd_:
       The position of the time-window is given by the
       integer interval [windowBegin_, windowEnd_[.

       dimensionBegin_, dimension_:
       The signals can also be considered by their
       marginal signals. The integer interval 
       [dimensionBegin_, dimensionBegin_ + dimension_]
       denotes a subdimension interval inside
       the signals.

       The time instant t corresponding to 'pointSet_[i]'
       is given by 't = timeBegin_ + (i / signals_)'.

        KdTree kdTree_;
        PointSet pointSet_;
        integer signals_;
        integer samples_;
        integer windowBegin_;
        integer windowEnd_;
        integer dimensionBegin_;
        integer dimension_;
        integer timeBegin_;


#include "tim/core/signalpointset.hpp"
