SignalPointSet class

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Let be a point set in . A semi-dynamic point set over is a function . then represents a time-varying point set that potentially changes at each discrete time instant by removing and inserting points of .


TIM implements the SignalPointSet class to model semi-dynamic point sets. It takes in an ensemble of signals and interprets the realizations as a semi-dynamic point set. It then builds an efficient data structure (multi-resolution kd-tree) which can be used to perform nearest neighbor searching and counting for the points. This data structure can be accessed from the outside in a non-mutating manner.

The SignalPointSet restricts the definition of the semi-dynamic point set by requiring that the points that are included in the set at a given time instant form an interval in the time-series. Thus SignalPointSet offers a time-windowed view to the point set, with the ability to set the position and extent of the time window arbitrarily.


SignalPointSet class

Models a semi-dynamic point set